Gene action studies
The prime objective of any plant breeder is developing new cultivars with high yield. The present investigation aimed at estimating the general combining ability among parents and specific combining ability in hybrids for various yield and related traits in upland cotton. Forty hybrids were obtained by crossing 8 elite lines with 5 selected testers in a Line × Tester fashion.
10p angicungduoc6 22-07-2020 13 3 Download
In order compute genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance expressed as per cent of mean, an investigation was carried out with 79 plants of F2 population of MFC-09-12 × PGCP-12 and 90 plants of F2population of MFC-08-14 × PL-3 in cowpea. Considerably high amount of variability was observed for the thirteen quantitative and qualitative characters under study.
9p nguaconbaynhay5 16-05-2020 25 1 Download
The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) signaling pathway plays a major role in a number of pathophysio-logical conditions. However, there have been conflicting evidences regarding the action of cAMP/PKA on nuclear factor-jB(NF-jB). Inthis study,wehaveexplored the effect of cAMP/PKA on NF-jBactivity and determined its molecular mechanism. PKA activating agents or expression of thecatalyticsubunitofPKA(PKAc) inhibitedtheNF-jB-dependent reporter gene expression induced by tumor nec-rosis factora(TNFa). ...
7p research12 23-04-2013 33 4 Download
Juvenile hormones (JHs) of insects are sesquiterpenoids that regulate a great diversity of processes in development and reproduction. As yet the molecular modes of action of JH are poorly understood. TheMethoprene-tolerant (Met) gene of Drosophila melanogasterhas been found to be responsible for resistance to a JH analogue (JHA) insecticide, methoprene. Previous studies onMethave implicated its involvement in JH signaling, although direct evidence is lacking.
0p awards 05-04-2013 33 1 Download
Circulating tumour necrosis factor-a(TNFa) levels, which are elevated in obesity-associated insulin resistance and diabetes, inhibit insulin signalling at several points in the signalling cascade. The liver is critical in maintaining cir-culating glucose levels and, in a preliminary investigation using the human hepatoma (HepG2) cell line in this study, we demonstrated the role of TNFa in the regulation of this phenomenon and determined the underlying molecular mechanisms.
13p vinaphone15 25-02-2013 43 2 Download
The regulation of cytokines and pro-inflammatory genes is an absolute essentiality to combat inflammatory diseases. The present study investigated the effects of 4-O-chloroacetyl-2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-levulinoyl-b-d-glucopyr-anosyl]-(1-3)-1-O-(p-methoxyphenyl)-2-deoxy-2-N-trichloroacetyl-4,6-O-ben-zylidene-a-d-glucopyranoside (RSCL-0409), a novel small molecule Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling antagonist, and its mechanism of action in human monocytic (THP-1) cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)....
14p mobifone23 18-01-2013 39 4 Download
Many drugs have unknown, controversial or multiple mechanisms of action. Four recent ‘chemical genomic’ studies, using genome-scale collections of yeast gene deletions that were either arrayed or barcoded, have presented complementary approaches to identifying gene-drug and pathwaydrug interactions. deposited research The fact that much of modern drug research is target-oriented obscures the long history during which the effects of drugs were discovered prior to identification of their targets. There remain many...
4p thulanh19 09-11-2011 53 4 Download