Higher education quality
This thesis extends research on marketing communication and promotional mix strategies. Extant literature reveals that there is a dearth of academic research and literature on marketing communication, promotional mix, and IMC in Lao PDR HEIs. Promotional mix is defined as a form of marketing communication consisting of advertising, publicity, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, events, and sponsorships. Promotional mix tools have been employed as a significant component of marketing communication strategies.
196p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
Based on the research on the theoretical issues of the development and development of human resources in the field of higher education, as well as the current situation of the development of information security lecturers at universities in the field of National Defense and Security. Proposing solutions to develop information security lecturers at universities in the field of National Defense and Security to contribute to the training of high-quality human resources in information security for national Defence and security and socio economic in the current context.
31p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 32 4 Download
Research objectives: A theoretical and practical study of the use of elements of television in teaching the subject “Education”, which reveals the measures of teaching the subject “Education” in pedagogical universities simulated elements of television in order to increase students’ learning effectiveness, contributing to improving the quality of teacher training in a pedagogical university.
28p tunelove 10-06-2021 21 4 Download
Purpose of the study: Based on theoretical and practical studies on the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions, the thesis proposes the solutionsfor admission management in the current period of education innovation in order to improve the quality of undergraduate admission for satisfying the human resources for society.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 26 4 Download
Research purposes: On the basis of studying the theory and results of research on the situation of developing lecturing staffs in the technical fields of the Mekong Delta universities according to the competency approach, the thesis proposes solutions to develop lecturing staffs of technical sectors of universities in the Mekong Delta region, meeting the requirements of renovating and improving the quality of higher education in the region.
25p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 20 3 Download
Purpose of the research: From theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes management solutions to improve the quality of teacher training at universities in the People's Democratic Republic of Laos.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 33 5 Download
The research identifies the research subjects of the thesis is the higher education quality and university governance, students are studying at universities in the Southeast.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 23 5 Download
The research objectives of the thesis are to build scales, models and assess the impact of factors affecting the output quality of students in Vietnamese pedagogical universities.
0p caygaocaolon7 17-09-2020 56 1 Download
Usually scientometric indicators for assessing the effectiveness of workers in the field of science and higher education are considered from the standpoint of their criticism, identifying the limits of applicability, the impact on the quality of professional activity of workers.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 12 2 Download
This article aims to determine management support, the quality of accounting information systems and the quality of accounting information. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification method (verificative research).
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 33 5 Download
The study was conducted in the state of Uttarakhand, with two purposively selected KVKs Dhakrani representing the plains region of Garhwal division and Bageshwarre presenting the hill region of Kumaon division. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 160 respondents from eight villages from both KVK. Finding of the study revealed that, majority of the beneficiaries had middle age group, educated up to higher secondary, medium family size, marginal land holding, medium media ownership, extension contact, information seeking behaviour and social participation.
13p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 21 5 Download
This study aims to explore the measurement scale of higher education quality of business and administration sector on student’s perspective. More specifically, this study was conducted to achieve the following key objectives: Identify the components that make up the quality of higher education of business and administration sector on student’s perspective. Exploring and testing the measurement scale of the components those make up the quality of higher education of business and administration sector on student’s perspective.
29p change11 29-06-2016 80 5 Download
To make the theoretical research about roles of state management on higher education quality, analyze and assess the impacts of state management on higher education quality in Vietnam then to propose solutions to improve the current state management on higher education quality in Vietnam.
28p change08 27-06-2016 80 7 Download
Research objcetive: Clarify the theorical basis of improving teaching techniques for the military college lecturers. Survey, assess the situation of the teaching techniques of the lecturers in the military colleges and the organization of improving the teaching techniques for the lecturers in the military colleges during this time.
29p change03 06-05-2016 35 4 Download
This research aims to suggest solutions to capacity buiding of university presidents toward competence-based approach, which will contribute to an increasingly quality improvement of university presidents in Hanoi in a context of a substantial and comprehensive renewal of higher education of Vietnam today.
24p change01 05-05-2016 30 2 Download
The research is to definite a systematic conception of working quality of higher education intelligentsia in order to establish a scientific arguments of assessment of real situation in Vietnam, and then solutions to improving working quality of Vietnamese higher education intelligentsia are suggested in the beginning decades of the twenty-first century.
28p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 69 5 Download
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the relative use of general state subsidies (tax finance) and tuition (user charge finance) in the state financing of higher education. State universities across U.S. states are very different among themselves especially in terms of user charges, public finances, and qualities. In this study, we consider only the State Regime in which the state government decides the user charge, head tax, and expenditure, taking the minimum ability of students as given and the state university simply is treated as a part of government.
109p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 58 8 Download
ECONOMETRIC STUDY OF THE DEMAND FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN CANADA, 1976-1995 Column D tests a different aspect of the specification, the assumption that the background characteristics predicting SAT scores are identical to those indexing willingnessto- pay for desirable schools. To test this, I allow willingness-to-pay to depend on students self-reported family income, estimating the interaction between income and Tiebout choice while including the peer quality index to absorb peer effects. The interaction coefficient here is again negative and insignificant....
87p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 54 6 Download
FOUR ESSAYS ON THE ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION Note that Theorem 2 does not rule out equilibria in which some families live in lower-μ than do some higher-income families. I refer to these as unsorted (or imperfectly sorted) equilibria. They arise when the peer group advantage of high-income communities over low-income communities is large enough to overcome deficits in school effectiveness.28 For fixed income and effectiveness distributions, unsorted equilibria become harder to maintain as the weight that families place on peer group relative to school quality falls:...
202p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 57 9 Download
Goodwill Write-Downs, SFAS No. 121 and the Adoption of SFAS No. 142 Single crossing ensures that if any family prefers one school quality-price combination to another with lower qualitywhere quality is q j ≡ x jδ +μ j all higherincome families do as well; if any family prefers a district to another offering higher quality education, all lower-income families do also. (This is proved in Appendix D.) As in other multicommunity models, the single crossing assumption drives the stratification results outlined below....
91p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 47 7 Download