Household income
This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between residential energy efficiency and health. The thesis argues that residential energy efficiency improvements are complex interventions in complex socio‐technical systems.
765p runthenight04 02-02-2023 18 5 Download
Poverty and inequality are among the most discussed topics in Economics. This thesis aims to investigate the empirical relationship between financial inclusion, poverty and gender inequality. Using unique cross-country panel and survey data sets, three hypotheses are tested: (1) microfinance is an effective tool for poverty reduction; (2) women’s participation in microfinance contributes to improvements in gender equality; and (3) financial inclusion has a positive effect on household income in China.
108p runthenight04 02-02-2023 19 4 Download
This study attempts to measure attitudes toward risk and analyze the influence of farmers' attitudes toward risk on the economic efficiency in hybrid maize cultivation offarm households in the Mekong Delta. Based on the research results, the author has proposed solutions to the reduction of risk aversion and the enhancement of economic efficiency in produoction, contributing to improving the income of farm households.
37p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 14 2 Download
Research on solutions to improve the efficiency of changing the efficiency of farming models on rice land to improve farm household income, contributing to the implementation of the agricultural sector's restructuring orientation in association with the model of sustainable agricultural development in Hau Giang province.
43p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 17 4 Download
Increasing disposable income of the consumers has transformed the buying pattern to a greater extent. Before shopping by people was very rare phenomenon but nowadays shopping is part and parcel of most of the households in which shoppers spend substantial amount on impulse buying.
5p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 28 4 Download
The objective of this thesis is to verify the hypothesis of the microcredit impact on income for poor households and to identify factors affecting the access to microcredit of the poor households in order to find solutions to increase income through increasing access to microcredit for them.
38p slimzslimz 23-12-2019 38 6 Download
The objective of this thesis is to verify the hypothesis of the microcredit impact on income for poor households and to identify factors affecting the access to microcredit of the poor households in order to find solutions to increase income through increasing access to microcredit for them.
38p quenchua 28-09-2019 17 2 Download
The dissertation aimed to analyze the activities of the stakeholders involved in the pineapple value chain in Tien Giang province and analyze the VAT, VAT distribution between the stakeholders who are in the pineapple value chain as well as detect the bottlenecks that need to improve in order to enhance the economic value of the chain, through which proposed a number of solutions to improve the income of poor households who have been planting pineapples in Tien Giang province.
28p change12 30-06-2016 55 3 Download
How much does household collateral constrain regional risk sharing? construct a new data set of consumption and income data for the largest U.S. metropolitan areas, and we show that the extent of risk-sharing between regions varies substantially over time. In times when US housing collateral is scarce nationally, regional consumption is about twice as sensitive to income shocks.
60p matemthisonglamchi 18-06-2015 54 8 Download
The 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer is the firm’s 13th annual trust and credibility survey. The survey was produced by research firm Edelman Berland and consisted of 20-minute online interviews conducted October 16, 2012 – November 29, 2012. The 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer online survey sampled 26,000 general population respondents with an oversample of 5,800 informed publics ages 25-64 across 26 countries.
12p mokahd 27-04-2013 61 19 Download
"Investigation and control of the rice in the field and during harvest in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam" project is part of the Cooperation Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) between the Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development of Vietnam (Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development) VACO Australian International Development (AusAID). The purpose of this project is to help households and small farmers in Vietnam to improve rice quality and prices to improve their income. The project will be implemented through a cooperative choice.
9p xinh_la 10-02-2012 97 7 Download