Human centered design
This research investigates the interactive effects of usability, the designer perspective and user expectations on the user experience (UX) of e-commerce websites. It incorporates the theoretical underpinnings of Norman’s (1988) seminal research specifically, Mental Models and Nielsen’s User Categories (1993) to explore the different mental models, domain and technology expertise of two distinct groups – users and designers – in the interaction with a selected system image, that of the e-commerce website.
293p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
Lecture "Chapter 14: Designing the user interface" provides students with the knowledge: Identifying and classifying inputs and outputs, traditional and OO approaches to inputs and outputs, user versus system interface, aspects of the user interface, user centered design, metaphors for human computer interaction,... Invite you to consult.
7p doinhugiobay_04 27-11-2015 46 3 Download