Impact of internal control
The primary aim of this study is to determine the extent to which external auditors, in exercising their responsibilities under the Australian Auditing Standards, conduct additional audit work (proxied by audit fees) when audit clients have experienced known misappropriation of assets (MOA) fraud. The research is motivated by three key factors. The first being the mounting concerns by the Australian government and others in relation to audit quality.
249p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 3 Download
This research is aimed to explore elements of internal control system and evaluate their impact on effectiveness and efficiency of EVN’s operation, with the following goals: Finding factors of Internal Control System which effect EVN’s performance; evaluate those impact on EVN’s performance.
24p beloveinhouse10 28-11-2021 24 2 Download
Research objectives Assessing the impact level of components of IC on the effectiveness of the IC of VITC as a basis for proposing solutions for improving the effectiveness of the IC of VITC.
27p hobbsandshaw 09-06-2021 16 4 Download
The research objective of this thesis is to study the impact of internal control on the performance of CBTPs listed on the stock market of Vietnam, from which to consider making appropriate recommendations on internal control to help businesses improve operational efficiency in the current international economic integration context.
6p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 25 2 Download
General objective: Improvement of the ICS at Agribank according to COSO international standards.
27p caygaocaolon7 17-09-2020 52 2 Download