Improving infrastructure and technology
Bachelor's thesis of Business (Business Information Systems): CRM as a tool for IT strategy planning
CRM is a relative new technology in which allows organisations to capture data, and improve customer service capabilities. IT strategy planning is the process of planning, and implementing changes, to ensure organisations have best practise in regards to decision making and infrastructure. At the current moment there is little information domestically available in Australia about CRM systems. This thesis provides some insight, in-regards to CRM and IT strategy planning practice, in Australia.
160p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
Research objectives: Local state budgets: The concepts and establishment of local state budgets; the development investment from local state budgets: The organic relationship between the development investment from local state budget and development investment in the area in general as well as examined the relation between the development investment from local state budget and the socio-economic development of a province.
24p change03 06-05-2016 68 2 Download
Technology and socio-economic assessment completed. The report provides. Report reviewed and accepted by the authorities CARD. . • clams in the pond (production) related to experimental shrimp farm effluent and influent is progressing well. . • Clam and shrimp polyculture experiment is progressing well . • The preliminary experiments on oyster spat production produced encouraging results . • Hatchery infrastructure set up to spit production test.
40p xinh_la 10-02-2012 63 6 Download