Increasing the accumulation
The research student chose the subject “Research on water accumulation operating mode in flood season for Hoa Binh and Son La terraced hydroelectric reservoirs”, hoping to study scientific foundation on water accumulation operating mode in Hoa Binh and Son La reservoirs to increase water accumulation efficiency for electricity generation and water provision, ensure construction safety as well as downstream flood prevention.
27p dolphintaletale 23-04-2021 17 7 Download
Based on the above scientific bases and arguments, I conduct a research project to search for bioactive alkaloids while also researching new activities from alkaloids, thereby increasing cumulative growth culture. Content of alkaloids by adding elicitors.
26p larachdumlanat129 20-01-2021 33 4 Download
The main limiting factor for increasing yields in the conditions of the arid steppe of Northern Kazakhstan is moisture. The accumulation of moisture during winter precipitation for plants in arid conditions in the initial stage of the growing season was a serious production problem.
14p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 16 2 Download
In addition to promoting domestic resources, taking advantage of foreign direct investment is considered as a smart to shorten the time of initial capital accumulation, creating a solid premise for economic development, especially for developing countries. Therefore, FDI is considered as the "golden key" to open the door of prosperity for nations. In recent years, the number of countries investing in Vietnam has been increasing, especially Korea.
28p vuikiki 17-04-2020 62 8 Download
Mycobacterium tuberculosisheat shock protein 16.3 (MTB HSP 16.3) accumulates as the dominant protein in the latent stationary phase of tuberculosis infection. MTB HSP 16.3 displays several characteristics of small heat shock proteins (sHsps): its expression is increased in response to stress, it protects against protein aggregationin vitro, and it contains thecoreÔa-crystallinÕdomainfound inall sHsps.
8p research12 23-04-2013 35 2 Download
There is an increasing interest in the use of lanthanides in medicine. However, themechanismof their accumulation in cells isnotwell understood.Lanthanidecations are similar to ferric ions with regard to transferrin binding, suggesting transferrin-receptormediated transport is possible; however, this has not yet been confirmed. In order to clarify this mechanism, we investigated the binding of Yb 3+ to apo-transferrin by UV-Vis spectroscopy and stopped-flow spec-trophotometry, and found that Yb 3+ binds to apotransferrin at the specific iron sites in the presence of bicarbonate. ...
9p tumor12 22-04-2013 35 2 Download
Patients with diabetes mellitus suffer from an increased incidence of complications including cardiovascular disease and cataracts; the mechanisms responsible for this are not fully understood. One characteristic of such complications is an accumulation of advanced glycation end-products formed by the adduction of glucose or species derived from glucose, such as low-molecular mass aldehydes, to proteins.
11p fptmusic 16-04-2013 31 3 Download
The capacity of two maize opaque endosperm mutants (o1ando2) and two floury (fl1andfl2) to accumulate lysine in the seed in relation to their wild type counterparts Oh43+was examined. The highest total lysine content was 3.78% in theo2mutant and the lowest 1.87% infl1,as compared with the wild type (1.49%). For soluble lysine,o2 exhibitedover a700%increase,whilst for fl3a28%decrease was encountered, as comparedwith thewild type.
11p fptmusic 12-04-2013 32 1 Download
The effects of protection of chylomicron remnants from oxidation on their uptake and induction of lipid accumula-tion in macrophages were investigated using chylomicron remnant-like particles (CRLPs) containing the lipophilic antioxidant drug, probucol, andmacrophages derived from thehumanmonocyte cell line,THP-1.The total lipidcontent of THP-1 macrophages was markedly higher (·2.2) after 48 h of incubation of THP-1 macrophages with CRLPs containing probucol (pCRLPs) when compared to CRLPs without probucol, and this was because of increases in tri-acylglycerol (·2.3) and cholesterol (·1.
11p dell39 03-04-2013 56 3 Download
N-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may be associated with increased risk of colon cancer, whereas n-3 PUFAs may have a protective effect. We examined the effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid and arachidonic acid on the colon carcinoma cell lines SW480 derived from a primary tumour, and SW620 derived from a metastasis of the same tumour.
17p dell39 27-03-2013 34 4 Download
We applied metabolic control analysis to the Kennedy pathway for triacyl-glycerol formation in tissue cultures from the important oil crops, olive (Olea europaeaL.) and oil palm (Elaeis guineensisJacq.). When microsomal fractions were incubated at 30 C rather than 20C, there was an increase in triacylglycerol labelling.
7p dell39 27-03-2013 50 4 Download
Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by the deficient activity of glucocerebrosidase. Accumulation of glucosylceramide, primarily in the lysosomes of cells of the reticuloendo-thelial system, leads to hepatosplenomegaly, anemia and skeletal lesions in type I disease, and neurologic manifestations in types II and III disease.
11p inspiron33 25-03-2013 52 4 Download
Lipid accumulation alters macrophage biology and contributes to lipid retention within the vessel wall. In this study, we investigated the role of adipophilin on triglyceride accumulation and lipid-droplet formation in THP-1-derived macrophages (THP-1 macrophages). In the presence of acetylated low-density lipoprotein, macrophages infected with an adeno-virus expressing human adipophilin showed a 31% increase in triglyceride content and a greater number of lipid droplets compared with control cells....
13p inspiron33 25-03-2013 40 3 Download
N-methyl-norsalsolinol and related tetrahydroisoquinolines accumulate in the nigrostriatal system of the human brain and are increased in the cere-brospinal fluid of patients with Parkinson’s disease. We show here that 6,7-dihydroxylated tetrahydroisoquinolines such asN-methyl-norsalsolinol inhibit tyrosine hydroxylase, the key enzyme in dopamine synthesis, by imitating the mechanisms of catecholamine feedback regulation.
13p media19 06-03-2013 42 4 Download
A major contributing factor to the development of breast cancer is decreased functional expression of breast cancer susceptibility gene 1, BRCA1. Another key contributor to tumorigenesis is hypoxia. Here we show that hypoxia increased the nuclear localization of BRCA1 in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468 human breast cancer cell lines without changing its steady-state expression level.
10p media19 04-03-2013 49 2 Download
The presence and biological importance of DNA secondary structures in eukaryotic promoters are becoming increasingly recognized among chemists and biologists as bioinformatics in vitro and in vivo evidence for these structures in the c-Myc, c-Kit, KRAS, PDGF-A, hTERT, Rb, RET and Hif-1apromoters accumulates.
0p viettel02 19-02-2013 49 3 Download
The plasma membrane proteins CD1a, CD1b and CD1c are expressed by human dendritic cells, the professional antigen-presenting cells of the immune system, and present lipid antigens to T lymphocytes. CD1e belongs to the same family of molecules, but accumulates as a membrane-associated form in the Golgi compartments of immature dendritic cells and as a soluble cleaved form in the lysosomes of mature dendritic cells.
12p cosis54 05-01-2013 50 4 Download
A combinatorial bijection between k-edge colored trees and colored Pr¨ufer codes for labelled trees is established. This bijection gives a simple combinatorial proof for the number k(n − 2)!nk−n n−2 of k-edge colored trees with n vertices.A k-edge colored tree is a labelled tree whose edges are colored from a set of k colors such that any two edges with a common vertex have different colors
7p thulanh5 12-09-2011 84 7 Download
It is shown that if a d-regular graph contains s vertices so that the distance between any pair is at least 4k, then its adjacency matrix has at least s eigenvalues which are at least 2pd − 1 cos( 2k ). A similar result has been proved by Friedman using more sophisticated tools.More generally, Serre has shown (see [3], [4] ) that for any fixed r and for any infinite family of d-regular graphs Gi, lim inf r(Gi) 2pd − 1. The same result has been proved by Friedman already in [5].
4p thulanh5 12-09-2011 97 6 Download