Information exchange
VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a language for describing hardware. Its requirement emerged during the VHSIC development program of the US Department of Defense. The department organized a work shop in 1981 to lay down the specifications of a language which could describe hardware at various levels of abstractions, could generate test signals and record responses, and could act as a medium of information exchange between the chip foundries and the CAD tool operators.
44p gaconht 04-06-2011 106 29 Download
Doing things with language have the contents Introduction to: Focus, Functions of language, Language and Communication, Implications for the classroom, Language is more than communication, Making sense of our environment, Language as social interaction, Language and social values, Language to exchange information, Learning language functions, Language for structuring reality.
32p lg123456 21-04-2014 55 4 Download
The International Accounting Standards require entities to report useful and accurate information, enabling shareholders and others to make informed investment decisions. This research investigates the array of factors that influence the investment decision-making of shareholders in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The research employed a mixed research methodology that combines quantitative and a qualitative analysis to obtain empirical data on the factors that impact on Thai shareholders investing in large asset-based industries in the SET.
355p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This practice-led research project considers human agency in relation to matter and materialism. Seeking to unlearn human assertions of agency as dominant, this project fosters relational and collaborative exchanges with matter that manifest as installations and sculptural interventions. Informed by new materialist and posthuman frameworks, it recognises that material hierarchies are held in place by what we choose to prioritise in human worlds.
106p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 4 Download
In this thesis, we will address the following questions: (1) Is Shenzhen stock market efficient? (2) What is the most common violation of market efficiency in the Shenzhen stock exchange? (3) Is noise trading strategy profitable in China? (4) Can fundamental factors explain noise trader risk in Shenzhen stock market? (5) Can finance fundamentals explain overreaction, underreaction or IPE? (6) Do other factors such as financial crisis, seasonality and market sentiment affect noise trader risk?
377p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
Multimedia communications includes many efficient and highly efficient methods for exchanging information, an issue that is becoming increasingly necessary in the context of the rapid advancement of advanced network technologies such as broadband, wireless networks.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 20 3 Download
The objectives of the study are: Building a theoretical model to study factors affecting the quality of accounting information on the financial statements of listed construction enterprises; Identifying and measuring factors affecting the quality of accounting information on the financial statements of listed construction enterprises on the Vietnamese stock exchange; Proposing recommendations to improve the quality of accounting information on the financial statements of listed construction enterprises on the Vietnamese stock exchange.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 33 5 Download
The general objectives of the dissertation are to identify the factors affecting information transparency and disclosure of listed companies, to analyze the effects of information transparency and disclosure on the cost of equity and performance of the listed companies on Vietnam’s Stock Exchange market.
37p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 32 2 Download
The thesis analyzes the impact of changing accounting policies on exchange rate differences on stock prices of non-financial companies listed on Vietnam's stock market. You are invited to join us in the thesis to understand the details of the research.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 32 3 Download
The overall objective of the thesis is to focus on studying the impact of the board's characteristics on asymmetric information of listed firms in Vietnam, based on which the thesis recommends several policies to limit asymmetric information.
0p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 21 2 Download
The present study is based on the information about corporate reporting parameter and their standardized functionality procedure and distinctive perception about corporate disclosure is mandatory to understand the basic requirement of each and every person associated with investment.
7p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 16 5 Download
The present study highlights “Innovation and technology” and “Information exchange” as the most significant factors with high influential power for the BSR. This study aims to aid the decision makers (buyer or supplier) in evolving effective business strategies.
14p tocectocec 24-05-2020 34 1 Download
Summary of the dissertation: Measuring the level of non-financial information disclosure and factors affecting the level of non-financial information disclosure of companies listed on the stock exchange in Vietnam.
26p bibianh 25-09-2019 26 2 Download
The objective of the thesis is to studying the factors and evaluating the level of information disclosure in the annual report of listed companies at a certain historical period, in the context of a changing in the regulation of information disclosure of listed company. Specifically: (1) Evaluating the level of information disclosure in annual reports; (2) Identify and assess the influence of factors on the level of information disclosure of listed companies at this time.
27p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 42 2 Download
Research objectives: Identify the degree of presentation and disclosure of information of financial instruments of non-financial firms in Vietnam (based on the survey data from companies listed on Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange in 2010 -2012) Testify the link between the degree of presentation and disclosing information of financial instruments and the characteristics of the firms by formulating a model using data in 2010, 2011, and 2012.
22p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 111 5 Download
Sample Configuration for Authentication in OSPF Document ID: 13697 Introduction Prerequisites Requirements Components Used Conventions Background Information Configure Network Diagram Configurations for Plain Text Authentication Configurations for MD5 Authentication Verify Verify Plain Text Authentication Verify MD5 Authentication Troubleshoot Troubleshoot Plain Text Authentication Troubleshoot MD5 Authentication Related Information Introduction This document shows sample configurations for Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) authentication which allows the flexibility to authenticate OSPF nei...
9p vanmanh1008 21-05-2013 36 2 Download
Metallothioneins (MTs) are cysteine-rich, metal-binding proteins known to provide protection against cadmium toxicity in mammals. Metal exchange of Zn 2+ ions for Cd 2+ ions in metallothioneins is a critical process for which no mechanistic or structural information is currently available.
13p media19 06-03-2013 48 4 Download
A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF LEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE (LMX) ON SUBORDINATE EMPLOYMENT SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY IN THE NEWLY “REINVENTED” FEDERAL SECTOR I do not present formal results on the implications of increases in J for effectiveness sorting, as much depends on the μ j s assigned to the new districts. Informally, however, Corollary 2.3 suggests that for a stable μ distribution, increasing the number of districts
129p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 78 7 Download
The study of protein structure and function has evolved to become a lead-ing discipline in the biophysical sciences. Although it is not yet possible to determine 3D protein structures from MS data alone, multiple MS-based techniques can be combined to obtain structural and functional data that are complementary to classical protein structure information obtained from NMR or X-ray crystallography.
7p cosis54 09-12-2012 58 4 Download
Khám phá Network Utility của Mac – P.2 .5. Lookup Công cụ Lookup cho phép chúng ta thu thập thông tin về một trang Web hay địa chỉ IP. Menu thả xuống của mục Select the information to lookup cho phép chúng ta lựa chọn một số loại thông tin khác nhau. Ví dụ, khi thực hiện tra cứu tên máy chủ trên chúng ta sẽ được thông báo rằng trang này được lưu trữ bởi máy chủ Dreamhost, và khi tra cứu MX Record (hay Mail Exchange Record) thì chúng ta sẽ được thông báo rằng email được xử...
8p lulaula 28-10-2012 44 2 Download