Inside the processor
CODE CODE 00 Award Award AMI Phoenix4.0/Tandy3000 AMI Phoenix4.0/Tandy3000 Code copying to specific areas is done. Passing control to INT 19h boot loader next. CPU is testing the register inside or failed, please change the CPU and check it. 01 Processor Test 1, Processor status (1FLAGS) verification. Test the following processor status flags: carry, zero, sign, overflow. The BIOS sets each flag, verifies they are set, then turns each flag off and verifies it is off. Test All CPU Registers Except SS, SP, and BP with Data FF and 00 Disable NMI, PIE, AIE, UEI, SQWV.
27p votinh0nline 18-02-2011 436 26 Download
The Computer Revolution: Progress in computer technology: Underpinned by Moore’s Law. Makes novel applications feasible: Computers in automobiles, Cell phones, Human genome project, World Wide Web, Search Engines. Computers are pervasive.
50p chikien276 13-10-2010 104 7 Download
Our PC's are data processors. PC's function is simple: to process data, and the processing is done electronically inside the CPU and between the other components. That sounds simple, but what are data, and how are they processed electronically in a PC? That is the subject of these pages.
240p emilynguyen 07-08-2009 243 33 Download