Interesting components
The main objective of this thesis is to comprehensively investigate the control of moisture in above-grade enclosure walls. Increasing the understanding of the interaction of the wind, rain, and building enclosure is of special interest. Masonry veneer wall systems will be a focus of the study because of their wide-spread use. As discussed above, pressure moderation and ventilation of the air space are two little understood components of moisture movement in walls and thus will also be given emphasis.
336p christian2605 30-10-2019 21 3 Download
Some insects have a globin exclusively in their fast-growing larval stage. This is the case in the 4th-instar larva ofToku-nagayusurika akamusi, a common midge found in Japan. In the polymorphic hemoglobin comprised of 11 separable components, hemoglobinVII (Ta-VIIHb) was of particular interest. When its ferric met-form was exposed to pH 5.0 from 7.2, the distal histidine was found to swing away from theE7 position.As a result, the iron(III) was converted from a hexacoordinate to a pentacoordinate form by a concom-itant loss of the axial water ligand. ...
10p tumor12 20-04-2013 47 4 Download
The epidermal mucus of fish species has been found to contain antimicro-bial proteins and peptides, which is of interest in regard to fish immunity. An acidic extract from the epidermal mucus of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) was found to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Bacillus mega-terium, Escherichia coli andCandida albicans. This activity varied signifi-cantly when salt was added to the antimicrobial assay, and was eliminated by pepsin digestion.
10p fptmusic 12-04-2013 71 4 Download
Cyclic nucleotide specific phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are important components of all cAMP signalling networks. In humans, 11 different PDE families have been identified to date, all of which belong to the class I PDEs. Pharmaco-logically, theyhavebecome of great interest as targets for the development of drugs for a large variety of clinical condi-tions. PDEs in parasitic protozoa have not yet been exten-sively investigated, despite their potential as antiparasitic drug targets.
11p dell39 03-04-2013 42 4 Download
"interest list" (danh sách yêu thích) là tên chức năng mà fac vừa công bố, cho phép người dùng tạo ra những danh sách chứa đựng các tài khoản (profile) người nổi tiếng hay các trang doanh nghiệp (fan page) để theo dõi những tin tức cập nhật mới từ họ. hiểu đơn giản, đây là công cụ cho phép tổ chức lại luồng tin cập nhật (news feed) dày đặc nếu tài khoản fac của bạn có quá nhiều bạn bè và thích (like) nhiều trang khác nhau. tạo các nhóm qua danh sách interests để tổ chức luồng...
3p bibocumi26 12-01-2013 65 6 Download
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2003:8, 806–813 c 2003 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Optimization and Assessment of Wavelet Packet Decompositions with Evolutionary Computation Thomas Schell Department of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg, Jakob Haringer Street 2, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Email: Andreas Uhl Department of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg, Jakob Haringer Street 2, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Email:
8p sting12 10-03-2012 49 4 Download