International relations activities
Research institutes and also industrial companies in Czech Republic are involved in High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) program and activities related to the study of advanced materials and HTGR technologies. These activities are supported by EC (within international projects, e.g. FP7-ARCHER, ALLIANCE, GoFastR can be mentioned) and also by Technology Agency of Czech Republic.
7p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 35 1 Download
Research subject of the thesis firstly are international treaties regulating marine resources management, including multilateral treaties in the field of law of the sea and sea environment protection relating to the mineral exploration and exploitation; bilateral and regional treaties and agreements on protection sea environment from pollutants of activities in continental shelf, treaties that establish joint exploitation areas.
26p bibianh 26-09-2019 35 3 Download
Research state management for the international relations activities of Vietnamese Catholic Association, hence suggest some solutions to perfect state management regarding the international relations activities of Catholic Church in Viet Nam Association.
30p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 39 4 Download
The object of the dissertation is the direct investment projects of Vietnam enterprises into Laos. Besides, in order to better assess the current status of the projects as well as investment opportunities into Laos in the future, the thesis will study the investment environment in Laos, the main competitors (Thailand and China), policy related to OFDI activities of Vietnam and Laos, the documents signed between enterprises as well as the two governments.
12p change01 05-05-2016 46 8 Download
Explain the internal context of strategy. Identify a firm’s resources and capabilities and explain their role in its performance. Define dynamic capabilities and explain their role in both strategic change and a firm’s performance. Explain how value‑chain activities are related to firm performance and competitive advantage. Explain the role of managers with respect to resources, capabilities, and value‑chain activities.
19p mikannatsume 27-03-2011 197 14 Download