This paper explores the role of management of staff suggestions for knowledge creation. It also proposes a framework for the management of staff suggestions within a quality management system.
8p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 32 5 Download
The objective of this study is to analyze the internationalization of SMEs of the Mexican leather footwear industry to know if accumulated knowledge and experience in foreign markets effectively leads the organization to more advanced and complex stages of international exchange.
8p christabelhuynh 04-06-2020 19 2 Download
Nowadays, the concept of globalization seems reduced to the size of the market and, export is only one aspect of the phenomenon of globalization. In global industries, it is now the most competitive positions and bases of competitiveness which should be established worldwide. Therefore, globalization raises strategies to become more global rather than local. Those strategies consist in expanding and coordinating all activities of the company worldwide.
91p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 52 8 Download
Welcome to the module, Internationalization. This module provides a brief introduction of developing applications for the global market. The module covers the process of internationalization and localization to create applications, which are neutral in terms of countries, languages and regions. Internationalized applications require meticulous planning, failing which re-engineering of the application can be costly. In this module, you will learn about:
11p pdtan119 13-11-2012 84 29 Download