Investment behavior of investor
Individual investors need to adjust any psychology (psychology in other words behavioral finance) to bring investment performance when investing on real estate markets. At the same time, which external environmental factors affect and explain to individual investors' sentiment in the context of the real estate market in Ho Chi Minh City, a market that is considered vibrant and in the Vietnamese context. global economic integration is increasingly extensive.
28p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 22 3 Download
This paper works on the behavior pattern of the retail investors with special reference to Bhopal. The investment by these investors at time is overshadowed by the level of understanding they have about financial securities and their experiences with the stock market.
7p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 10 2 Download
This study focuses on identifying the constructs necessary to identify the EI of investors through an extensive review stating the role that emotional intelligence plays in investment behavior of the investor.
10p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 15 2 Download