Investment categories
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 15: Economics and Justification of Electronic Commerce learning objectives: Describe the need for justifying EC investments, how it is done, and how metrics are used to determine justification. Understand the difficulties in measuring and justifying EC investments. Recognize the difficulties in establishing intangible metrics and describe how to overcome them. List and briefly describe traditional and advanced methods of justifying IT investments.
50p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 14 4 Download
Master's thesis "Factors impacting on abnormal investment of listed firms in Ho Chi Minh stock exchange" to study factors impacting on abnormal investment in Vietnam, namely that factors are free cash flow and dividends. To achieve the main purpose, the study aims to first classify abnormal investment into two categories, over- and under-investment, by using an accounting-based framework developed by Richardson (2006) and Guariglia and Yang (2016).
125p caongulam 10-11-2023 19 7 Download
An investor is a party that makes an investment into one or more categories of assets --- equity, debt securities, real estate, currency, commodity, derivatives such as put and call options, etc. --- with the objective of making a profit. Inviduals Organizations: Financial entities including Brokerages, Banks, Funds…
14p dauxanhnguyenhuong 28-09-2011 63 7 Download