Java programming theory
Designed for serious programmers, this reliable, unbiased, no-nonsense tutorial illuminates key Java language and library features with thoroughly tested code examples. As in previous editions, all code is easy to understand, reflects modern best practices, and is specifically designed to help jumpstart your projects.
0p truongnghen 21-01-2013 91 20 Download
public class MyWindow extends JFrame{ public MyWindow(){ super("Demo Windows"); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public static void main(String[] args) { MyWindow ui=new MyWindow(); ui.setSize(400, 300); ui.setLocationRelativeTo(null); ui.setVisible(true); } } 5 .
59p tulip_12 12-01-2013 52 3 Download
JDK 1.5 introduces several extensions to the Java programming language. One of these is the introduction of generics. This tutorial is aimed at introducing you to generics. You may be familiar with similar constructs from other languages, most notably C++ templates. If so, you’ll soon see that there are both similarities and important differences. If you are not familiar with look-a-alike constructs from elsewhere, all the better; you can start afresh, without unlearning any misconceptions. Generics allow you to abstract over types.
24p tranhung0312 01-12-2012 98 8 Download