Java remote method invocation
Chương 5 Lập trình mạng căn bản thuộc bài giảng lập trình mạng bằng ngôn ngữ java nhằm trình bày về các nội dung chính: giới thiệu lập trình mạng, các lớp hỗ trợ lập trình mạng Socket, TCP Socket Programming, UDP Socket Programming Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
45p slow_12 27-06-2014 140 24 Download
TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NÔNG LÂM TP.HCM.GV: NGUYỄN XUÂN VINH KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN..... Java.MÔN: LẬP TRÌNH MẠNG 2..... Remote Method Invocation.27/10/14..... Presenter: Nguyễn Xuân Vinh. Information Technology Faculty./26.....
26p xaydungk23 27-10-2014 75 7 Download
This chapter presents the following content: Start the registry server, rmiregistry; start the object server; start the client; the client makes a request. Inviting you to refer.
26p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 67 4 Download
A java application can run inside a JVM and can only invoke the methods of the classes available inside this JVM • Distributed computing or processing resolves around clientserver technology where several client programs communicate with one or more server applications.An RMI application has to expose methods, which remote clients can invoke. • These methods which are meant to be remote, should be defined in an interface which extends the java.rmi.Remote interface
19p blackfalconbm 07-11-2012 100 38 Download
The University of Aberdeen conducts advanced technological research in various fields of science. In a move to facilitate sharing of information and resources amongst faculty members, the university has decided to implement an intranet communication system. Each faculty member would be given a unique username and password to log on to the intranet.
1p vudung75 20-04-2011 97 4 Download