Key economic zone of central
Applying theoretical issues on industrial zone development to analyze the current situation of industrial zone development in the Central key economic region; identify positive results, limitations and causes of limitations; Then, propose solutions to promote effective and sustainable development of industrial zones in the Central key economic region.
30p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 22 2 Download
Theoretical framework and methods of assessment; analyses the state of economic development and income inequality, examine the interaction between economic growth and income inequality at VKTTDTB; recommend some major implications
27p bautroibinhyen24 20-04-2017 51 2 Download
The implementation of the thesis is aimed to: Designing a model for evaluation of the competitiveness of the garment firms which is applicable to the scope of the study; Building a model for analysis of factors affecting the competitiveness of the garment firms; Identifying the current and predictable status of the competitiveness of garment enterprises in the region when compared with each other and with garment firms outside of the region.
14p change06 14-06-2016 78 4 Download