Knapsack problem
"Bài giảng Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật – Bài 4: Kỹ thuật quay lui (Backtracking)" với những kiến thức khái niệm về kỹ thuật quay lui, bài toán 8 con hậu - eight queen problem, bài toán mã đi tuần - knight tour problem, bài toán chiếc ba lô - knapsack problem.
29p cothumenhmong7 05-09-2020 64 13 Download
Lecture Algorithm design - Chapter 6: Dynamic programming I include all of the following: Weighted interval scheduling, segmented least squares, knapsack problem, RNA secondary structure.
37p youcanletgo_03 14-01-2016 38 3 Download
It’s convenient to describe a data structure in terms of the operations performed, rather than in terms of implementation details. That means we should separate the concepts from particular implementations. When a data structure is defined that way, it’s called an abstract data type (ADT).
124p janeeyre_thanh 12-08-2013 77 16 Download