Knowledge creation
The primary value of this work and the main input into the research of this topic is, in the opinion of the author, in highlighting the psychological effects of implementing design management into an organization. The awakening of a „creator‟ in each and every worker, and the creation of individual satisfaction with the job and the working environment not only raises the productivity and quality of output, but also improves the psychological climate within the organization and raises the feelings of self-worth and quality of life of its employees.
172p runthenight07 01-03-2023 12 3 Download
The main aims of the project were to firstly find out or identify barriers that are inhibiting builders from installing greywater systems and secondly to identify and formulate strategies to reduce or eliminate the barriers identified. The main barriers for builders are; high cost, government regulations, lack of builder awareness or knowledge, and low client demand.
225p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
Organizations have long struggled with the successful completion of projects within the time, cost and performance indicators with respect to a customer product or solution that is expected to ultimately meet the customer’s expectations. This thesis demonstrates the link between the successful creation, management and dissemination of project requirements throughout the entire project process using a knowledge management overlay model to ensure the success of the overall project to meet stakeholder needs through the successful creation and transfer of project requirements.
353p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
By clarifying the mechanism between organisational social capital and social innovativeness of Australian social enterprises, this thesis model contributes to a richer understanding of the organisational social capital theory of innovativeness from a strategic perspective. Further, the rigorous demonstration of the mechanism of developing innovativeness extends the organisational social capital and innovativeness relationship into a new, previously overlooked application area, the social enterprise context.
336p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 3 Download
This paper examined the role of dynamic capability as a moderator in explaining knowledge creation processes and performance of Professional and Technology-Driven Firms.
12p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 27 1 Download
This paper explores the role of management of staff suggestions for knowledge creation. It also proposes a framework for the management of staff suggestions within a quality management system.
8p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 32 5 Download
For hundreds of years, business people have been transmitting their wisdom generation to generation. In the middle 1990’s companies started to create units focused in managing their knowledge. Nowadays, Knowledge Management is still a relatively new discipline focused in developing the main competitive advantage that organizations have: the intellectual assets. Organizations recognise that Social Media can be enormously used to influence their customers. However, they exactly do not know how to confront this new tool.
87p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 44 6 Download