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Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4 Bible- P22: When Macromedia first released Flash MX in 2002, the product was branded as the new way to build Rich Internet Applications (known by the acronym RIA). The term was invented at Macromedia to describe a new class of applications that would offer the benefits of being connected to the Internet, including access to various types of Web-based services, but would solve many of the nagging issues that had been inherent in browser-based applications since the mid-1990s....
9p alone246 07-09-2010 78 15 Download
Adobe Photoshop CS4- Das Praxisbuch zum Lernen und Nachschlagen- P28: In dem Buch finden Einsteiger oder Fortgeschrittene immer genau das, was sie gerade brauchen. (Graphische Revue Österreich ) mediavalley.de, Juni 2009 Als Einsteiger- oder Nachschlagewerk für Adobe Photoshop CS4 zu empfehlen.
13p alone246 07-09-2010 50 7 Download