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Language architecture.

Xem 1-14 trên 14 kết quả Language architecture.
  • Chúng tôi trình bày một phương pháp sử dụng Unified Modeling Language (UML) để phân tích thiết kế hệ thống (PTTKHT) quản lý tuyển sinh tại Đại học Đà Nẵng. Quá trình PTTKHT gồm các bước từ khâu khảo sát thực tế, xây dựng mô hình dòng dữ liệu, xác định các tác nhân, các đối tượng, các lớp để xây dựng các biểu đồ như biểu đồ trình tự, biểu đồ lớp, biểu đồ đối tượng, biểu đồ các trường hợp sử dụng. ...

    pdf100p ddanhthong 13-05-2010 356 107   Download

  • System Architecture III Distributed Objects presents of real time - software considerations; buffering example cd controller; continuous operation; example - routers and other network computing; example - transaction monitor; software reuse - application packages; reuse - objects basic definitions; objects distributed objects; object request broker (orb); interface definition language; distributed objects and the system life cycle

    pdf22p ngkhacvu 22-05-2015 107 44   Download

  • Lectures "Computer architecture - Chapter 2: Instructions - Language of the computer" provides learners with the knowledge: Operations of the computer hardware, operands of the computer hardware, signed and unsigned number, representing instructions in the computer,... Invite you to refer to the disclosures.

    pdf62p doinhugiobay_17 01-03-2016 99 6   Download

  • Vietnam, a nation with a rich and complex history of migration and settlement, is home to 5 fundamental language families: Austroasiatic (AA), Tai-Kadai (TK), Austronesian (AN), SinoTibetan (ST) and Hmong-Mien (HM). Among them is the Austronesian, a language family substantial in island Southeast Asia (ISEA) but marginal in mainland counterpart (MSEA), constituted five Vietnamese ethnolinguistic groups. Here, we analyzed the control region, and the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 121 individuals from 3 AN-speaking populations (Churu, Ede, and Giarai).

    pdf10p myhouse01 09-11-2024 2 1   Download

  • Lectures "Computer architecture - Chapter 0: Instructor infomations, reference books and grading rules" provides learners with basic information about the subject computer architecture. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.

    pdf5p doinhugiobay_17 01-03-2016 54 3   Download

  • Bài giảng Lập trình trên Windows với Microsoft® .NET: Bài 1 của Hồ Hoàn Kiếm giới thiệu tới các bạn những nội dung của môn học. Bên cạnh đó, bài giảng trình bày về Microsoft.NET; Microsoft .NET Framework Architecture; các đặc điểm của Visual Studio .NET; thực thi một chương trình .Net;... Mời các bạn tham khảo.

    ppt19p cocacola_09 27-11-2015 77 4   Download

  • Multi-site, 3-tier-web architecture, robust security, written in Java & scripting language, good support system.Very user-friendly, 3-tier web architecture, excellent scalability, robust security, high latency of VPN’s security, built in Python programming language, very good upgrade frequency, simulation based ERP, Live Tutorial Cd.Flexible upgrade, Flexible report generation, User friendly, good update frequency

    ppt16p khuatthihoa 29-07-2013 79 4   Download

  • Over several years, we have developed an approach to spoken dialogue systems that includes rule-based and trainable dialogue managers, spoken language understanding and generation modules, and a comprehensive dialogue system architecture. We present a Reinforcement Learning-based dialogue system that goes beyond standard rule-based models and computes on-line decisions of the best dialogue moves. The key concept of this work is that we bridge the gap between manually written dialog models (e.g.

    pdf4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 76 4   Download

  • ProLiV - Animated Process-modeler of Complex (Computational) Linguistic Methods and Theories - is a fully modular, flexible, XML-based stand-alone Java application, used for computer-assisted learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Computational Linguistics (CL).

    pdf4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 66 4   Download

  • Question 1. Reorder the following efficiencies from the smallest to the largest: a. 2n3 + n5 b. 2000 c. 4n+1 d. n4 e. (n-1)! f. nlog2(n) g. 2klogk(n) (k is a predefined constant) Solution: Efficiency: a measure of amount of time for an algorithm to execute (Time Efficiency) or a measure of amount of memory needed for an algorithm to execute (Space Efficiency). Non-decreasing order: 2000

    pdf5p dragonly 03-01-2013 40 2   Download

  • The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers- P22: Praised by experts for its clarity and topical breadth, this visually appealing, one-stop source on PCs uses an easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach to teaching the fundamentals of 80x86 assembly language programming and PC architecture. Offering users a fun, hands-on learning experience, it uses the Debug utility to show what action the instruction performs, then provides a sample program to show its application.

    pdf18p davidvilla24 29-08-2010 66 5   Download

  • The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers- P21: Praised by experts for its clarity and topical breadth, this visually appealing, one-stop source on PCs uses an easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach to teaching the fundamentals of 80x86 assembly language programming and PC architecture. Offering users a fun, hands-on learning experience, it uses the Debug utility to show what action the instruction performs, then provides a sample program to show its application.

    pdf19p davidvilla24 29-08-2010 56 3   Download

  • Network architecture supporting wireless applications The Wireless Application Environment (WAE) architecture is designed to support Mobile Terminals (MTs) and network applications using different languages and character sets. WAE user agents have a current language and accept content in a set of well-known character encoding sets. Origin server-side applications can emit content in one or more encoding sets and can accept input from the user agent in one or more encoding sets. Wireless Telephony Application (WTA) is an application framework for telephony services....

    pdf18p huggoo 20-08-2010 78 6   Download

  • Kiến trúc hệ thống ngôn ngữ nói Xử lý ngôn ngữ nói liên quan đến các kỹ thuật như: – Nhận dạng tiếng nói: chuyển nội dung tiếng nói thành văn bản tương ứng – Đọc nội dung văn bản: chuyển nội dung văn bản sang tiếng nói tương ứng – Hiểu ngôn ngữ nói: chuyển nội dung văn bản g g y ộ g thành hành động tương ứng để hệ thống thực hiện Bộ não của người nói quyết định dãy các từ cần nói W Tín hiệu nguồn được chuyển qua một kênh giao tiếp có nhiễu gồm bộ...

    pdf12p khinhkha 26-07-2010 132 34   Download



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