Language to exchange information
VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a language for describing hardware. Its requirement emerged during the VHSIC development program of the US Department of Defense. The department organized a work shop in 1981 to lay down the specifications of a language which could describe hardware at various levels of abstractions, could generate test signals and record responses, and could act as a medium of information exchange between the chip foundries and the CAD tool operators.
44p gaconht 04-06-2011 106 29 Download
Doing things with language have the contents Introduction to: Focus, Functions of language, Language and Communication, Implications for the classroom, Language is more than communication, Making sense of our environment, Language as social interaction, Language and social values, Language to exchange information, Learning language functions, Language for structuring reality.
32p lg123456 21-04-2014 55 4 Download