Lecture On safety and security of information systems
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Malicious attacks" provide students with knowledge about: Malicious attack; The common types of malicious attacks; Attack tools; Malicious software;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
39p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 22 6 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Introduction to information systems security" provide students with knowledge about: History of information security; Information systems security; Risks, threats, and vulnerabilities;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
59p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 15 5 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Cryptography" provide students with knowledge about: Basic terminology of cryptography; History of cryptography; Symmetric cipher;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
56p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 12 5 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Symmetric ciphers" provide students with knowledge about: Block cipher principles; Data encryption standard; Feistel cipher;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
41p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 13 5 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Symmetric ciphers advanced encryption standard" provide students with knowledge about: AES Origins; AES Structure; AES Key Expansion; An AES Example;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
38p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 16 5 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Asymmetric ciphers" provide students with knowledge about: principles of public-Key cryptosystems; RSA algorithm;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
23p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 13 5 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Cryptographic hash funtionns" provide students with knowledge about: Hash function; Applications of cryptographic hash functions; Simple hash functions; Requirements and security;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
22p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 15 5 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Firewall" provide students with knowledge about: Firewall concept; Commercial firewalls; Selecting a firewall system;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
26p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 22 5 Download
Lecture "On safety and security of information systems: Access control" provide students with knowledge about: Four parts of access control; Types of access control; Formal models of access control;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
18p hoabingan205 12-12-2022 12 5 Download