Leverage and influence
This paper investigates the impact of financial leverage and supply chain finance on firm performance of Vietnamese construction sector. Although there is a big gap in the literature needed to be filled, little empirical evidence can be found on this interesting topic.
6p tohitohi 22-05-2020 22 2 Download
For hundreds of years, business people have been transmitting their wisdom generation to generation. In the middle 1990’s companies started to create units focused in managing their knowledge. Nowadays, Knowledge Management is still a relatively new discipline focused in developing the main competitive advantage that organizations have: the intellectual assets. Organizations recognise that Social Media can be enormously used to influence their customers. However, they exactly do not know how to confront this new tool.
87p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 44 6 Download
1) Introduction The estimates of the regression parameters are influenced by a few extreme observations. The residual plot may let us pick out, which the individual data points are high or low. We may use the residual plot to find the outlier, which are inadequately captured by the regression model itself.
8p truongdoan 10-11-2009 103 7 Download