Lipids and detergents
Leukocytes and other cells show an enhanced intensity of mobile lipid in their 1 H NMR spectra under a variety of conditions.Such conditions include stimulation, which has recently been shown to involve detergent-resistant, plasma membranedomains (DRMs)oftencalled lipidrafts.As there ismuchspeculationsurrounding theoriginof cellularNMR-visible lipid, we analysed subcellular fractions, including DRMs, by NMR spectroscopy.
10p fptmusic 16-04-2013 45 3 Download
We havemade a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the lipid composition of caveolae from primary rat fat cells and compared the composition of plasma membrane inside and outside caveolae. We isolated caveolae from purified plasmamembranesusingultrasonication incarbonatebuffer to disrupt the membrane, or extraction with nonionic detergent, followed by density gradient ultracentrifugation. The carbonate-isolated caveolae fraction was further immunopurified using caveolin antibodies.
9p dell39 03-04-2013 32 4 Download