Listed construction enterprises
Research on solutions to perfect cost, revenue, and performance manangement accounting based on the results of the current situation survey and systematize the theory in the listed construction companies on the stock market...
34p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 18 4 Download
The objectives of the study are: Building a theoretical model to study factors affecting the quality of accounting information on the financial statements of listed construction enterprises; Identifying and measuring factors affecting the quality of accounting information on the financial statements of listed construction enterprises on the Vietnamese stock exchange; Proposing recommendations to improve the quality of accounting information on the financial statements of listed construction enterprises on the Vietnamese stock exchange.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 33 5 Download
The purpose of the research is to propose the solutions to improve the financial capacity of listed companies in Vietnamese construction industry.
30p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 35 4 Download
To analyze factors affecting capital structure and structure of debt maturity of real estate constructioninvestment and trading enterprises listed on Vietnam's stock market. To study the correlation between capital structure and debt maturity structure of real estate investment construction and trading enterprises listed on Vietnam's stock market. To identify the target capital structure and debt maturity structure of real estate construction investment enterprises listed on Vietnam's stock market.
62p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 44 3 Download