Logistics activities
The study aimed to determine the prevalence of overweight/obesity and describe some risk factors among high schoolers of Le Quy Don in Hai An County, Hai Phong City in 2019. Studied subjects included 1381 high schoolers aged from 15 to 17 years old. Method was a cross-sectional study.
10p vibecca 01-10-2024 6 2 Download
The scope of this research paper is to build a standardized scale of logistics activities in enterprises. The essence of logistics activities as proposed by council of logistics management is referring to efficient and effective movement and storage of goods, services, and its related information’s from point of origin to point of consumption. However, how to assess the effective and efficient transportation and storage of goods, services, and information is the fundamental question that every organization seeks to resolve.
17p toduongg 24-08-2024 4 2 Download
Nghiên cứu này dựa trên phương pháp chi phí dựa trên các hoạt động (Activity-based costing-ABC) để lập ra mô hình tính chi phí logistics cho cấu kiện bê tông đúc sẵn một cách toàn diện hơn. Nghiên cứu phát triển thuật toán lai ghép mới giữa kiến sư tử (ALO) và phương pháp học đối diện (Opposition-based learning), phương pháp đột biến và trao đổi chéo (Mutation and crossover strategy) để tối ứu hóa chi phí dựa trên ABC.
16p vinikolatesla 31-03-2022 30 2 Download
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 13: Order Fulfillment, eCRM, and Other Support Services learning objectives: Describe the role of support services in EC. Define EC order fulfillment and describe the EC order fulfillment process. Describe the major problems of EC order fulfillment. Describe various solutions to EC order fulfillment problems. Describe CRM, its methods, and its relationship with EC. Describe eCRM implementation and tools. Describe other EC support services. Discuss the drivers of outsourcing support services.
52p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 22 3 Download
The purpose of this study is to determine the current status of the service quality of the transport business based on the assessment of the customer as a business partner. The research results show that most of the interviewed enterprises highly valued the service quality of their supply partners.
8p viuchinaga2711 21-10-2021 10 1 Download
Logistics is one of the important factors to ensure the availability of goods, allowing retail businesses to deliver and consume goods quickly. However, logistics in Vietnamese retail businesses is identified as being limited, reducing the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.
9p tamynhan6 14-09-2020 24 2 Download
The emergence of Multinational business scenario in India has paved way for a tremendous growth in its Logistics sector. India is spending more in for its logistical activities more than the developed countries (SSKI).
8p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 6 1 Download
The purpose of this study is to explain and classify the behavior of corporate managers1 in the accounting standards setting process as it related to OPEB in order to provide insight for developing a more effective process. This study examined two decisions made by management: (1) the decision whether or not to participate in lobbying activities during the comment period of the OPEB exposure draft; and (2) the position taken on the OPEB exposure draft.
132p fugu897 03-07-2019 23 3 Download
In this chapter you will learn: Understand why physical distribution (logistics) is such an important part of place and strategic market planning, understand why the physical distribution customer service level is a marketing strategy variable. understand the physical distribution concept and why it requires coordination of storing,...
6p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 77 5 Download