Machine Translations
The study also addresses challenges, such as idiomatic expressions and tool limitations, emphasizing the pivotal role of training programs in addressing issues, educating users, and enhancing tools. In conclusion, the research advocates for an educational shift, urging programs to foster critical thinking.
20p viling 11-10-2024 2 0 Download
This research is a practice led investigation of interactive computer artworks that incorporate physical and interactive aspects of pre-computer age mechanical devices.The research initially proceeds by looking at interactive productions, previously produced by John Lycette, in order to identify any relationship to mechanical devices or factors that have influenced this field of enquiry. It then documents a broad collection of the machines and mechanical objects in order to analyze them in terms of their: mechanics; visual and tactile form; and relationship with function.
58p runthenight05 01-03-2023 2 2 Download
Mục tiêu nghiên cứu của luận văn là vận dụng kiến thức đã học để xây dựng một hệ thống trả lời tự động, sử dụng mạng học sâu Deep Neural Networks, dựa trên khung làm việc sequence-to-sequence và cơ chế attention để sinh ra câu trả lời tự động từ một chuỗi đầu vào tương ứng. Mô hình được huấn luyện end-to-end GNMT (Google’s Neural Machine Translation) trên tập dữ liệu miền mở có sẵn.
72p matroinho2510 08-11-2022 45 16 Download
The purpose of this thesis is to propose two models for using cross-lingual word embedding models to address the above impediment. The first model enhances the quality of the phrase-table in SMT, and the remaining model tackles the unknown word problem in NMT.
14p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 27 3 Download
The purpose of this thesis is to propose two models for using cross-lingual word embedding models to address the above impediment. The first model enhances the quality of the phrase-table in SMT, and the remaining model tackles the unknown word problem in NMT.
54p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 15 4 Download
Một ứng dụng dịch tự động (Machine Translation - MT) từ tiếng Việt sang tiếng dân tộc K’Ho được trình bày. Ứng dụng nhằm mục đích giới thiệu phương pháp dịch tự động dựa vào thống kê (Statistics Machine Translation - STMT). Do tiếng Việt và tiếng dân tộc K’Ho cùng ngữ hệ Nam Á, nhưng lại thuộc nhóm ngôn ngữ khác nhau, nên phần chuyển ngữ thường được xử lý bằng cách sử dụng từ vựng, cụm từ và câu, thay vì bằng quy tắc cú pháp tổng quát.
10p vidanh95 15-12-2018 76 4 Download
Lecture “Natural language processing – Chapter 5: Foundation of statistical machine translation” has contents: Introduction to statistical machine translation, statistical MT systems, three problems in statistical MT systems, translation model, and other contents.
12p dien_vi01 21-11-2018 21 0 Download
Trong bài báo này, ccác tác giả sẽ trình bày một phương pháp lai, kết hợp luật và thống kê, để dịch lại các UKW dạng thực thể có tên biểu thức số. Áp dụng phương pháp này vào trong hệ dịch thống kê Hoa-Việt, kết quả thử nghiệm cho thấy phương pháp của chúng tôi đã cải tiến đáng kể hiệu suất dịch máy thống kê Hoa-Việt.
12p binhminhmuatrenngondoithonggio 09-06-2017 74 3 Download
Bài báo đề xuất hướng tiếp cận dịch máy thống kê Pháp-Việt kết hợp thông tin phân đoạn ngữ cho cặp ngôn ngữ Pháp-Việt nhằm khắc phục hạn chế đối của hệ dịch với những câu dài. Tiến hành thử nghiệm mô hình hệ thống với kho ngữ liệu song ngữ Pháp-Việt gồm 10.000 cặp câu và kết quả độ đo BLEU tăng gần 2% so với mô hình cơ sở.
11p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 85 3 Download
Hướng đến việc giải quyết bài toán thêm dấu tiếng việt theo mô hình dịch máy thống kê. Dịch máy bằng phương pháp thống kê (Statistical Machine Translation) là một hướng tiếp cận cho dịch máy.
45p chieuwindows23 01-06-2013 126 23 Download
In the past, we presented tutorials called “Introduction to Statistical Machine Translation”, aimed at people who know little or nothing about the field and want to get acquainted with the basic concepts. This tutorial, by contrast, goes more deeply into selected topics of intense current interest. We aim at two types of participants: 1. People who understand the basic idea of statistical machine translation and want to get a survey of hot-topic current research, in terms that they can understand. 2.
1p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 63 3 Download
Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) consists of, given a sentence, detecting basic event structures such as “who” did “what” to “whom”, “when” and “where”. From a linguistic point of view, a key component of the task corresponds to identifying the semantic arguments filling the roles of the sentence predicates. Typical predicate semantic arguments include Agent, Patient, and Instrument, but semantic roles may also be found as adjuncts (e.g., Locative, Temporal, Manner, and Cause).
1p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 54 2 Download
We describe Joshua (Li et al., 2009a)1 , an open source toolkit for statistical machine translation. Joshua implements all of the algorithms required for translation via synchronous context free grammars (SCFGs): chart-parsing, n-gram language model integration, beam- and cubepruning, and k-best extraction. The toolkit also implements suffix-array grammar extraction and minimum error rate training. It uses parallel and distributed computing techniques for scalability.
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 46 2 Download
We developed caitra, a novel tool that aids human translators by (a) making suggestions for sentence completion in an interactive machine translation setting, (b) providing alternative word and phrase translations, and (c) allowing them to postedit machine translation output. The tool uses the Moses decoder, is implemented in Ruby on Rails and C++ and delivered over the web. We are at the beginning of a research program to explore the benefits of these different types of aid to human translators, analyze user interaction behavior, and develop novel types of assistance. ...
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 60 2 Download
This paper first presents a theoretical interpretation of the translation process. It then analyzes existing machine-translation research strategies and points out that some of the generally accepted principles of these strategies are not optimal. Finally, an alternative strategy is proposed, based on the author's theoretical position and research results.
8p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 53 3 Download
This study used special reading-comprehension tests to compare the speed and accuracy with which the same Russian technical articles in physics, earth sciences, and electrical engineering could be read by technically sophisticated readers when they were presented in English translated from the original Russian by machine only, by machine plus postediting, and by normal manual procedures.
0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 33 2 Download
A finite-state machine is described which will control the derivation of Italian verb forms, including proper stress placement, given an appropriate dictionary and set of grammatical rules.I. Introduction In many languages a word may be identified, on the syntactic level, by a single vocabulary element or lexeme and a single term from each of a set of closed grammatical categories.
0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 41 3 Download
It is argued that a thesaurus, or semantic classification, may be required in the resolution of multiple meaning for machine translation and allied purposes. The problem of constructing a thesaurus is then considered; this involves a method for defining the meanings or uses of words, and a procedure for classifying them.
16p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 33 4 Download
The difficulties encountered in the field of machine translation are many. The areas of contact between meaning and the syntactic vehicle expressing it are refractory and pose a problem for linguistic computational research. An applied radical semantics offers some operational solutions for ambiguous syntactic situations. Subject identification within a twoplace predicate structure is presented as an illustration of the resolving power of applied radical semantics.
0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 53 2 Download
This paper discusses the results of an experiment designed to test the quality of translations, in which human subjects were presented with IBM-produced machine translations of several passages taken from the Russian electrical engineering journal Elektrosviaz, and with human translations of some other passages taken from Telecommunications, the English translation of Elektrosviaz.
7p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 43 2 Download