Mangrove ecosystems
Research objective: Identify appropriate methods and procedures to assess loss and damage to mangrove ecosystems in Ca Mau Cape National Park related to climate change; assess the loss and damage to the mangrove ecosystem in Ca Mau Cape National Park related to climate change and propose solutions to minimize.
31p myhouse02 23-11-2024 5 1 Download
tudy the relationship of natural environment factors and the mangroves ecosystem at Ong Trang islet in order to contribute to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem preservation, sustainable development of mangroves under tidal influence of the East sea and the West sea, and climate change response.
26p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 27 1 Download
Research on the profile of Fe in the seagrass ecosystem has been carried out. Analysis of seawater, sediment, seagrass samples from the association of mangroves, mangroves-coral reefs and coral reefs taken in the waters of Donggala Regency was carried out using the ICP-OES method (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Opticaly Emission Spectrometry).
8p tocectocec 25-05-2020 26 0 Download