Market and demand analysis
The article discloses methodological approaches to quantifying the level of penetration of block chain technologies into the regional socioeconomic environment in comparison to the supply chain strategies. Based on the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, it allows you to formalize and convert a large array of data of a qualitative order into a single scale for measuring the process under study - the level of demand in the regional socio-economic environment for block chain technology.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 1 1 Download
This research has been undertaken by theoretical and practical investigation via a critique of the historical and contemporary topics surrounding women’s apparel size definitions. This analysis has informed the development of an alternative size model to assist design and production of mass market apparel. There is expectation from both apparel manufacturers and consumers that apparel standards are necessary for the efficient production and distribution of mass market apparel.
121p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 4 Download
Managerial Economics - Homework 3: Market and demand analysis provide students with knowledge about moving to a higher price along a linear demand curve increases demand elasticity; the extent that management has advance information about economic conditions, it may be able to adjust ticket prices as the economy moves through the (local) business cycle;...
3p flynn_beret 03-04-2022 19 3 Download
With the aforementioned subjects, the author conducts research on two aspects of the housing market in HCM city: analysis of housing supply and analysis of housing demand. On the supply side, the author analyzes the seller's bidding strategy. On the demand side, this thesis focuses on house buying behavior under the influence of current house’s characteristics.
28p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 11 3 Download
This results in parts that are lighter, have almost zero wastage and afford flexibility to design parts not possible to manufacture using conventional technologies.
17p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 24 5 Download
This academic investigation for the Dublin Business School by Julia Dieterich, an MBA graduate in 2014, will discuss how to market effectively the innovative electronic car in the German automotive sector in relation to a green branding marketing approach. It could be proved that the demand for electronic cars is currently mildly growing and just will be increase in a long term. An optimized marketing approach should help to so lve this current industrial problem.
88p nguyenyenyn117 14-06-2019 18 6 Download
Learning objectives: Understand the central role played by end-users and their demands in the design of marketing channels, define “service outputs” and identify and analyze them, recognize how to divide a market into channel segments for the purposes of marketing channel design or modification, understand how to target channel segments to optimize sales and profits.... and other contents.
6p tieu_vu08 05-05-2018 40 2 Download
When you finish this chapter, you will: Understand how most wholesalers and retailers set their prices using markups, understand why turnover is so important in pricing, understand the advantages and disadvantages of average-cost pricing, know how to use break-even analysis to evaluate possible prices, know the many ways that price setters use demand estimates in their pricing.
10p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 44 4 Download