Material testing reactors
Research institutes and also industrial companies in Czech Republic are involved in High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) program and activities related to the study of advanced materials and HTGR technologies. These activities are supported by EC (within international projects, e.g. FP7-ARCHER, ALLIANCE, GoFastR can be mentioned) and also by Technology Agency of Czech Republic.
7p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 35 1 Download
In this paper, a traditional adjoint method is used to propagate ND uncertainty on reactivity and reactivity coefficients and estimate correlations between different states of the core. We show that neglecting those correlations induces a loss of information in the final uncertainty.
9p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 12 2 Download
Mechanic solicitations induced by neutron and photon interactions have to be featured for components lifespan determination. TechnicAtome is in charge of both the design and building on behalf of CEA of the 100 MW Jules Horowitz Reactor (JHR). This modular Material Testing Reactor is under construction in southern France, with radioisotope production and material testing capabilities.
8p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 10 1 Download
The aim of this paper is to describe how CESAR operates and how it can be used to help these facilities care for waste disposal, nuclear materials transport or basic safety cases. The test case will be based on the PHEBUS Facility located at CEA Cadarache.
10p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 9 1 Download