Mathématiques étudiés
Let G be an unramified reductive group over a nonarchimedian local field F . The so-called Langlands Fundamental Lemma is a family of conjectural identities between orbital integrals for G(F ) and orbital integrals for endoscopic groups of G. In this paper we prove the Langlands fundamental lemma in the particular case where F is a finite extension of Fp ((t)), G is a unitary group and p rank(G).
98p dontetvui 17-01-2013 62 6 Download
Combining sieve methods with automorphic form theory and techniques from -adic cohomology, we prove that the sign of Kloosterman sums Kl(1, 1; n) changes infinitely often as n ranges over the squarefree integers having all their prime factors larger than n1/23.9 . 1. Introduction Soient a, b et n trois entiers, avec n 1. On rappelle que la somme de Kloosterman Kl(a, b; n) est d´finie par la formule e ax + bx Kl(a, b; n) = exp 2πi . n x mod n (x,n)=1 (la notation x indique l’inverse de x modulo n). Rappelons que c’est un nombre r´el, qui,...
42p noel_noel 17-01-2013 55 6 Download
The Fourier transform of a C ∞ function, f , with compact support on a real reductive Lie group G is given by a collection of operators φ(P, σ, λ) := π P (σ, λ)(f ) for a suitable family of representations of G, which depends on a family, indexed by P in a finite set of parabolic subgroups of G, of pairs of parameters (σ, λ), σ varying in a set of discrete series, λ lying in a complex finite dimensional vector space. The π P (σ, λ) are generalized principal series, induced from P . It is...
44p noel_noel 17-01-2013 58 5 Download
Soit S une vari´et´e de Shimura sur C. On d´efinit sur S un ensemble de points sp´eciaux (les points `a multiplication complexe) et un ensemble de sous-vari´et´es sp´eciales que l’on appelle sous-vari´et´es de type de Hodge. Les d´efinitions qui seront donn´ees plus tard dans le texte sont pr´esent´ees de mani`ere tr`es agr´eable dans le papier de Moonen
19p noel_noel 17-01-2013 34 3 Download