Metallic components
Metal forming to make large parts, take large reductions, use high strength materials, work to net shape (precision flashless closed die forging), and use cold forming to obtain certain physical properties all require high forming forces. These forces may be larger than the capacity of existing machinery.
33p vcuong222 13-05-2015 55 4 Download
Scope of thesis: Fabrication and characteristics of single-layer nitride hard coating with multi-components (TiAlXN (X: Si, B, V)) and multi-layer nitride hard coating with multi-components TiAlXN/CrN (X: Si, B) with high hardness and low friction coefficient; to determine the influence of main parameters on the properties of coatings.
25p beloveinhouse01 15-08-2021 16 3 Download
Composite materials have gained traction in the world today and are becoming of common use in industrial and specialized applications in general due to their flexible nature that involves mixing through layers or matrixes the components of various substances and therefore, a percentage of each substance’s physical properties.
12p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 43 2 Download
The dinitrogenase component proteins of the conventional Mo nitrogenase (MoFe protein) and of the alternative Fe-only nitrogenase (FeFe protein) were both isolated and purified from Rhodobacter capsulatus, redox-titrated according to the same procedures and subjected to an EPR spectroscopic comparison. In the course of an oxidative titration of the MoFe protein (Rc1Mo) three significant S ¼ 1/2 EPR signals deriving from oxidized states of the P-cluster were detected: (1) a rhombic signal (g ¼ 2.07, 1.96 and 1.
12p system191 01-06-2013 31 4 Download
H2 -forming methylenetetrahydromethanopterin dehydro-genase (Hmd) is an unusual hydrogenase present in many methanogenic archaea. The homodimeric enzyme dubbed metal-free hydrogenase does not contain iron–sulfur clus-ters or nickel and thus differs from [Ni-Fe] and [Fe-Fe] hydrogenases, which are all iron–sulfur proteins. Hmd preparations were found to contain up to 1 mol iron per 40 kDa subunit, but the iron was considered to be a con-taminant as none of the catalytic and spectroscopic pro-perties of the enzyme indicated that it was an essential component....
10p dell39 03-04-2013 52 4 Download