Methods of wastewater treatment
Objectives of the thesis: The objective of this study is to develop an energy and nutrients recovering wastewater treatment process combining physicochemical and biological methods for NRP wastewater.
26p extraenglish 24-05-2021 24 3 Download
The objective of this study is to develop an energy and nutrients recovering wastewater treatment process combining physicochemical and biological methods for NRP wastewater.
26p kequaidan7 01-09-2020 15 4 Download
This article discusses testing results of industrial trial of new wastewater disinfection comprised of combined use of ultrasonic and ultraviolet methods at final stage of wastewater treatment aimed at elimination of pathogenic organisms, thereby preventing spread of infectious diseases.
8p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 15 2 Download
Research Reports IWMI’s mission is to improve the management of land and water resources for food, livelihoods and environment. In serving this mission, IWMI concentrates on the integration of policies, technologies and management systems to achieve workable solutions to real problems—practical, relevant results in the field of irrigation and water and land resources.
39p nhatro75 12-07-2012 68 8 Download