Modelling fertiliser
The aim of this research is to produce information on decision making in relation to fertiliser use. This information can be used in the Game Theory model to calculate optimal strategies on phosphorus fertiliser application amounts for the individuals within the group. If the results indicate a benefit to the individual and the community as a whole, and are seen as practical, then on a catchment wide basis this should lead to changes in management practices that will minimise phosphorus pollution of the Hopkins River catchment’s waterways.
174p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 4 Download
Soil Test Crop Response studies involving Integrated Plant Nutrition System (STCR - IPNS) were conducted on a Typic Haplustalf of Tamil Nadu, Southern India for developing fertiliser prescriptions for desired yield targets of rice- rice sequence under System of Rice Intensification (SRI). By adopting the Inductive cum Targeted yield model, variations in soil fertility with reference to soil available nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) were established and test crop experiment was conducted with rice-rice sequence. The findings pertaining to rabi season is discussed in this paper.
10p cothumenhmong5 17-05-2020 18 3 Download