Molecular detection
Polymerase Chain Reaction is widely held as one of the most important inventions of the 20th century in molecular biology. Small amounts of the genetic material can now be amplified to be able to a identify, manipulate DNA, detect infectious organisms, including the viruses that cause AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, detect genetic variations, including mutations, in human genes and numerous other tasks.
62p zingzing09 24-04-2013 55 6 Download
The incidence of hypervirulent epidemic Clostridium difficile has increased around the world and now in Australia. Assays that are capable of rapidly identifying these strains would enable earlier diagnosis and timely infection control response. The aims of the first part of the study were to validate and develop a molecular technique for the rapid diagnosis of toxigenic C.
134p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
Campylobacter species are a leading cause of food-borne disease and C. jejuni highlight the most potential public health impact of Campylobacter contamination by pathogens originating from animals or animal products.. The total of 33meat samples comprising 8 from sheep (5) and goat (3) also 25 beef samples were screened by morphological, biochemical and molecular technique.
9p chauchaungayxua11 23-03-2021 21 3 Download
The present study was conducted to study the prevalence of the food borne zoonotic pathogen of animal origin, L. monocytogenes by isolation and identification, molecular detection and antibiotic sensitivity pattern from different samples of cattle sources in Aizawl district of Mizoram. A total 200 numbers of sample including cattle faeces (50), raw milk (50) and milk products (100) were collected randomly from different unorganized shop and farms.
15p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 13 2 Download
Understanding the genetic complexity of traits is an important objective of small grain temperate cereals yield and adaptation improvements. Bi-parental quantitative trait loci (QTL) linkage mapping is a powerful method to identify genetic regions that co-segregate in the trait of interest within the research population. However, recently, association or linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) became an approach for unraveling the molecular genetic basis underlying the natural phenotypic variation.
17p partimesinhvien 08-05-2020 17 1 Download
Recently, we have identified and purified minisatellite DNA binding proteins (MNBPs) that bind to the mouse hypervariable minisatellite Pc-1, from NIH3T3 cells. This study describes the isolation and characterization of a mouse leucine-rich protein (mLRP130) as one of the MNBPs that binds to the C-rich strand of Pc-1. The mLRP130 cDNA was demonstrated to encode a polypeptide of 1306 aminoacid residues with a deduced molecular mass of 137 kDa, and the mLRP130 mRNA is detected in various organs, including heart, brain, liver, skeletal muscle, kidneys and testes.
7p system191 01-06-2013 25 4 Download
An exo-1,3-b-glucanase has been isolated from cultural filtrate of Trichoderma viride AZ36. The N-terminal sequence of the purified enzyme (m ¼ 61 ^ 1 kDa) showed no significant homology to other known glucanases. The 1,3-b-glucanase displayed high activity against laminarins, curdlan, and 1,3-b-oligoglucosides, but acted slowly on 1,3-1,4-b-oligoglucosides. No significant activity was detected against high molecular mass 1,3-1,4-bglucans. The enzyme carried out hydrolysis with inversion of the anomeric configuration.
9p system191 01-06-2013 46 6 Download
We report the cloning and functional charaterization of the full-length cDNA and gene encoding a Toxoplasma gondii DNA repair enzyme designated TgDRE. The gene is composed of three exons separated by two introns of 780 and 630 bp, and encodes a protein with a predicted molecular mass of 49.6 kDa. The native TgDRE protein, with a molecular mass of 60 kDa, is only detected in the virulent tachyzoite stage of T. gondii. However, the transcript is present in both asexual parasite stages, virulent tachyzoite and avirulent encysted bradyzoite. ...
9p research12 01-06-2013 35 5 Download
From the antennae of the moth Mamestra brassicae, we have identified a lepidopteran G protein a subunit belonging to the Gq family, through immunological detection in crude antennal extract and antennal primary cell cultures, followed by molecular cloning. The complete cDNA sequence (1540 bp) contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 353 amino acids.
10p research12 01-06-2013 26 4 Download
GTP-binding proteins of the Rab family were cloned from human platelets using RT-PCR. Clones corresponding to twonovelRabproteins,Rab31 andRab32, and toRab11A, which had not been detected in platelets previously, were isolated. The coding sequence of Rab31(GenBank acces-sion no. U59877) corresponded to a 194 amino-acid protein of 21.6 kDa. TheRab32sequence was extended to 1000 nucleotides including 630 nucleotides of coding sequence (GenBank accession no.
13p research12 29-04-2013 41 4 Download
Hepatopoietin (HPO) is a novel human hepatotrophic growth factor. Recently, we demonstrated that the extra-cellular ligand form of HPO can stimulate proliferation of hepatic cells via its specific receptor, which is on the surface of these cells.Also, the intracellular formofHPOpotentiates the transcriptional factor AP-1. Intriguingly, a variety of HPO complexes with different molecular masses were detected in hepatocytes.
6p research12 23-04-2013 25 5 Download
The three genespduCDEencoding the diol dehydratase of Lactobacillus collinoides, have been cloned for overexpres-sion in the pQE30 vector. Although the three subunits of the protein were highly induced, no activity was detected in cell extracts. The enzyme was therefore purified to near homo-geneity by ammoniumsulfate precipitation and gel filtration chromatography. In fractions showing diol dehydratase activity, three main bands were present after SDS/PAGE with molecular masses of 63, 28 and 22 kDa, respectively....
7p tumor12 22-04-2013 51 2 Download
A naturally occurring hemagglutinin was detected in the serum of the freshwater crab, Paratelphusa jacquemontii (Rathbun). Hemagglutination activity with different mam-malian erythrocytes suggested a strong affinity of the serum agglutinin for horse and rabbit erythrocytes. The most potent inhibitor of hemagglutination proved to be bovine submaxillary mucin. The lectin was purified by affinity chromatography using bovine submaxillary mucin-coupled agarose. The molecular mass of the purified lectin was 34 kDa as determined by SDS/PAGE....
8p tumor12 20-04-2013 39 2 Download
Peptides which should be generated from the neuropeptide FF (NPFF) precursor were identified in a neuronal (human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y) cell line and in COS-7 cells after transient transfection of the human proNPFFAcDNA and were comparedwith those detected in themouse spinal cord. After reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatogra-phy of soluble material, NPFF-related peptides were im-munodetected with antisera raised against NPFF and identified by using on-line capillary liquid chromatography/ nanospray ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. ...
13p tumor12 20-04-2013 32 2 Download
The nature of cGMP transport in human erythrocytes, its relationship to glutathione conjugate transport, and pos-sible mediation by multidrug resistance-associated proteins (MRPs) have been investigated. MRP1, MRP4 and MRP5 are detected in immunoblotting studies with erythrocytes. MRP1and MRP5 are also detected in multidrug resistant COR-L23/R and MOR/R cells but at greatly reduced levels in the parent, drug sensitive COR-L23/P cells. MRP4 is detected in MOR/R but not COR-L23/R cells.
13p tumor12 20-04-2013 44 3 Download
Antioxidant protein 2 (AOP2) is a member of a family of thiol-specific antioxidants, recently renamedperoxiredoxins, that evolvedas part of anelaborate systemtocounteract and control detrimental effects of oxygen radicals. AOP2 is found in endothelial cells, erythrocytes, monocytes, T andB cells, but not in granulocytes. AOP2 was found solely in the cytoplasm and was not associated with the nuclear or membrane fractions; neither was it detectable in plasma.
8p tumor12 20-04-2013 34 2 Download
Primary olfactory neuronal cultures exposed to odorant stimulation have previously exhibited concentration-related effects in terms of intracellular cAMP levels and adenylate cyclase activity [Ronnett, G.V., Parfitt, D.J., Hester, L.D. & Snyder, S.H. (1991)PNAS88, 2366–2369].Maximal sti-mulation occurred for intermediate concentrations, whereas AC activity declined for both low and high odorant con-centrations.We suspected that this behavior might be ascribed to the intrinsic response of the first molecular species concerned by odorant detection, i.e. the olfactory receptor itself....
8p fptmusic 16-04-2013 38 3 Download
Cleavage of the arylglycerolb-aryl ether linkage is the most important process in the biological degradation of lignin. Thebacterialb-etherasewasdescribedpreviouslyandshown to be tightly associated with the cellular membrane. In this study, we aimed to detect and isolate a new extracellular function that catalyses theb-aryl ether linkage cleavage of high-molecular lignin in the soil fungi. We screened and isolated 2BW-1 cells by using a highly sensitive fluorescence assay system.
10p fptmusic 16-04-2013 39 4 Download
The two-hybrid method detects the interaction of two proteins by their ability to reconstitute the activity of a split transcription factor, thus allow-ing the use of a simple growth selection in yeast to identify new inter-actions. Since its introduction about 15 years ago, the assay largely has been applied to single proteins, successfully uncovering thousands of novel protein partners.
9p fptmusic 12-04-2013 32 2 Download
The composition of the chloroplast-localized protease complex, ClpP, from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiwas characterized by nondena-turing electrophoresis, immunoblotting and MS. The detected ClpP complex has a native mass of540 kDa, which is200 kDa higher than ClpP complexes in higher plant chloroplasts, mitochondria or bacteria. The 540-kDa ClpP complex contains two nuclear-encoded ClpP proteins (ClpP3 and P5) and five ClpR (R1, R2, R3, R4 and R6) proteins, as well two pro-teins, ClpP1Land ClpP1H, both probably derived from the plastid clpP1 gene. ...
14p fptmusic 12-04-2013 44 3 Download