Must be relevant
Is a branch of polymer science dealing with analysis and characterisation of polymers. üThe complication of macromolecular chains, the dispersion in molecular weight, tacticity, crystallinity, orientation, composition of polymers etc. and complex morphological systems ⇒ analysis of polymer ≠ the small organic materials ⇒ Focus on viscoelastic properties, dynamic mechanical testing.
114p buitiendung87 06-01-2011 340 154 Download
Corporate bond ratings published by rating agencies play an important role for both companies and market participants because they provide information about the quality and marketability of various bond issues. For this reason, the rating changes announced by rating agencies must be carefully examined to assess their relevance and usefulness to market participants. The overall objective of this study is to examine whether bond rating changes announcements contain pricing-relevant information, and this objective is supported by six specific aims.
241p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relevance of U5-FRs in a nuclear fleet deployment configuration. Considering several power demand scenarios and assuming different finite quantities of available natural uranium, this paper examines what types of reactors must be deployed to meet the demand.
10p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 25 1 Download