Mysql and sql
Sự cần thiết của backup và restore Backup dữ liệu Resotre dữ liệu .Vai trò của Backup data Database lưu trữ: Số lượng lớn các dữ liệu quý giá, quan trọng của một công ty, tổ chức,.... Backup Database đóng vai trò quan trọng Sao lưu cơ sở dữ liệu Dùng để phục hồi CSDL khi có sự cố xảy ra .Các sự cố thường xảy ra trên Cơ sở dữ liệu Các file hệ thống bị hư hỏng Server bị hư hỏng, đánh cấp, phá huỷ Những lỗi của user: – – Vô tình chỉnh sửa CSDL Vô tình xoá dữ liệu...
16p duytan7697 13-06-2013 113 12 Download
Bài 1. Hãy đăng nhập vào SQL Server bằng tài khoản sa (tài khoản có đặc quyển to nhất) Bài 2. Tạo ra 2 CSDL: test và sach với các bảng tuỳ ý Bài 3. Tạo ra các tài khoản đăng nhập (bằng cách sử dụng câu lệnh SQL và Enterprise Manager): ‘sv1’, ‘sv2’, ‘sv3’, ‘sv4’, ‘sv5’, ‘gv1’, ‘gv2’, ‘gv3’, ‘gv4’, ‘adm1’, ‘adm2’ với mật khẩu tuỳ ý, sau đó lần lượt đăng nhập thử bằng các tài khoản đã tạo....
2p hoangminhitvn 23-08-2011 146 16 Download
PHP 5/MySQL Programming- P1:computer programming has often been seen as a difficult and arcane skill. Programming languages are difficult and complicated, out of the typical person’s reach. However, the advent of the World Wide Web has changed that to some extent. It’s reasonably easy to build and post a Web page for the entire world to see. The language of the Web is reasonably simple, and numerous applications are available to assist in the preparation of static pages
5p venus135 05-12-2010 68 5 Download
Oracle Built−in Packages- P1: Ah, for the good old days of Version 1.0 of PL /SQL! Life was so simple then. No stored procedures or functions and certainly no packages. You had your set of built−in functions, like SUBSTR and TO_DATE. You had the IF statement and various kinds of loops. With these tools at hand, you built your batch−processing scripts for execution in SQL*Plus, and you coded your triggers in SQL*Forms 3.0, and you went home at night content with a good day's work done.
5p xmen135 03-12-2010 71 5 Download
SQL PROGRAMMING STYLE- P48:Im mot trying to teach you to program in SQL in this book. You might want to read that again. If that is what you wanted, there are better books. This ought to be the second book you buy, not the first. I assume that you already write SQL at some level and want to get better at it. If you want to learn SQL programming tricks, get a copy of my other book, SQL for Smarties (3rd edition, 2005).
5p camry135 02-12-2010 47 4 Download
SQL PROGRAMMING STYLE- P47:Im mot trying to teach you to program in SQL in this book. You might want to read that again. If that is what you wanted, there are better books. This ought to be the second book you buy, not the first. I assume that you already write SQL at some level and want to get better at it. If you want to learn SQL programming tricks, get a copy of my other book, SQL for Smarties (3rd edition, 2005).
5p camry135 02-12-2010 53 3 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P87:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 58 3 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P81:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 47 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P80:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 43 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P79:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 32 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P75:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 39 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P74:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 36 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P71:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 28 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P70:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 35 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P69:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 39 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P68:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 45 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P67:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 35 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P66:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 36 3 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P65:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 38 2 Download
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period- P64:The latest incarnation of Microsoft’s server product,Windows Server 2003, brings many new features and improvements that make the network administrator’s job easier.This chapter will briefly summarize what’s new in 2003 and introduce you to the four members of the Windows Server 2003 family: the Web Edition, the Standard Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the Datacenter Edition.
10p davidvilla2468 02-11-2010 37 2 Download