Numbers of papers
By the end of grade four, students understand large numbers and addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. They describe and compare simple fractions and decimals. They understand the properties of, and the relationships between, plane geometric figures. They collect, represent, and analyze data to answer questions.
21p kienkim1980 19-11-2015 45 3 Download
This paper investigates the progress of the numbers of papers published internationally relating to character education. We compare the performance of Indonesian research to those of other countries’ research as well as to that of the world.
6p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 15 2 Download
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and improve the results of LLP with increasing number of unsuccessful participants and make a proposal for a 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution) strategic program for the implementation of SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quality) to improve the outcome of leadership learning.
13p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 11 1 Download
In this paper, the effects of the hot-spotted cell on PV module were evaluated. The experimental observation was based on 100 kW PV array composed of 20 PV modules. It was found that an increasing number of hot-spotted solar cells in a PV module would likely increase its output power loss.
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 23 1 Download
This paper set up a new composite index called economic condition for tourism (ECT) index. This index summarizes the information of the macroeconomic variables which effect the demand for tourism in Thailand.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 36 4 Download
INPRO has developed heterogeneous global model to capture countries’ different policies regarding the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle in regional and global scenarios of nuclear energy evolution and applied in a number of studies performed by participants of the project. This paper will highlight the model and major conclusions obtained in the studies.
7p christabelhuynh 31-05-2020 12 0 Download
At the end of the project 27 papers in peer reviewed journals were published and it is expected that the real number will be the double. The training and integration success was evidenced by the fruitful implementation of the Travel Fund as well as the unique schools, e.g. practical and theoretical handling of plutonium.
8p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 10 0 Download
This paper presents a model to solve the multi-objective location-routing problem with capacitated vehicles. The main purposes of the model are to find the optimal number and location of depots, the optimal number of vehicles, and the best allocation of customers to distribution centers and to the vehicles.
16p tocectocec 24-05-2020 7 2 Download
The current paper deals with incomplete Pairwise Comparisons (‘PWs’) when a large number of alternatives is evaluated.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 11 0 Download
This paper is motivated by the fuel delivery problem where the main objective of this research is to minimize the total driving distance using a minimum number of vehicles.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 38 4 Download
This paper proposes a new method on ranking fuzzy numbers through the process of defuzzification by using maximizing and minimizing set on the triangular fuzzy numbers formed from generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
18p tohitohi 22-05-2020 24 3 Download
This paper deals with the investigation of thermo-vibrational convection induced by harmonic vibrations of the temperature boundary conditions in a square cavity heated from bellow and containing a low Prandtl number fluid. The governing equations are solved by using a finite volumes method.
6p tohitohi 19-05-2020 15 2 Download
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate and discuss how to motivate Generation Y employees at workplace, increasing their performance and satisfaction, and helping the organization to achieve its goals. The concern about motivation has increased as business environment becomes more competitive and organization‟s Human Resources (HR) happen to be more important to the business success.
94p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 37 6 Download
The purposes of this research paper is to study argument basis by the way approaching the work of developing human resources and the group of ethnic 2 minority elementary teacher development, by that creating reasons to propose a number of possible solutions on developing the group of ethnic minority elementary teachers in the North-West region in order to meet the demand of education and training innovation.
24p change05 08-06-2016 53 3 Download
Like paper-based signatures, digital signatures intend to respect a number of security assumptions. Methods of digital signature apposed by a single user have been defined and are widely used. But is it sufficient? What if a legal document requires witnesses and notarization, or a contract needs the signatures of several officers?This paper will first show the basics to understand digital signatures and how the a security properties of integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation are respected.
11p dunglh2013 02-04-2014 59 2 Download
A limited number of publicly available resources provide access to enzyme kinetic parameters. These have been compiled through manual data mining of published papers, not from the original, raw experimental data from which the parameters were calculated. This is largely due to the lack of software or standards to support the capture, analysis, storage and dissemi-nation of such experimental data.
11p viettel02 19-02-2013 30 2 Download
The kissing number problem asks for the maximal number k(n) of equal size nonoverlapping spheres in n-dimensional space that can touch another sphere of the same size. This problem in dimension three was the subject of a famous discussion between Isaac Newton and David Gregory in 1694. In three dimensions the problem was finally solved only in 1953 by Sch¨tte and van der u Waerden. In this paper we present a solution of a long-standing problem about the kissing number in four dimensions. Namely, the equality k(4) = 24 is proved. The proof is based on a modification of...
33p dontetvui 17-01-2013 45 8 Download
In this paper, we study the growth of sX(L), the number of simple closed geodesics of length ≤ L on a complete hyperbolic surface X of finite area. We also study the frequencies of different types of simple closed geodesics on X and their relationship with the Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces.
30p dontetvui 17-01-2013 49 7 Download
Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series were associated with a root system Φ and a number field F containing the n-th roots of unity by Brubaker, Bump, Chinta, Friedberg and Hoffstein [3] and Brubaker, Bump and Friedberg [4] provided n is sufficiently large; their coefficients involve n-th order Gauss sums. The case where n is small is harder, and is addressed in this paper when Φ = Ar . “Twisted” Dirichet series are considered, which contain the series of [4] as a special case.
25p noel_noel 17-01-2013 65 7 Download
There are two enumerative theories of maps from curves to curves. Our goal here is to study their relationship. All curves in the paper will be projective over C. The first theory, introduced in the 19th century by Hurwitz, concerns the enumeration of degree d covers, π : C → X, of nonsingular curves X with specified ramification data. In 1902, Hurwitz published a closed formula for the number of covers,
45p noel_noel 17-01-2013 36 7 Download