Observable culture
The study applies a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and teaching materials to collect data from seven teachers at Le Huu Trac (LHT) High School. The findings reveal that most teachers appreciate socio-cultural integrations (SCI) and agree that SCI does not prevent progress in terms of language accuracy.
6p vibenya 31-12-2024 4 2 Download
Chapter 12 - Culture: Inside and out. Organizational culture is a corporate way of life that is derived from the national culture but it is a distinct co-culture with its own values, behaviors, and believes. Deep organizational culture is the soul of what the company values and its vision for the future.
29p nomoney2 10-02-2017 45 3 Download
Initial public offerings (IPOs) underpricing is a widely researched area in finance literature. Yet, empirical evidence demonstrating and theoretical models explaining differences in underpricing across countries have remained an enigma in academia for a long time. This thesis consists of three independently interconnected essays that explain differences in underpricing observed across the Group of Twenty (G20) IPO markets.
365p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This dissertation has been developed to understand how coworkers construct their identity within the Hive. With literature supporting the notion of identity construction such as identity struggle, organizational identification, identification of optimal balances between self and professional identities within traditional bureaucratic organizations, the aim of this dissertation seeks to determine how identity work is being constructed within a coworking space in a single case study.
157p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
Let’s Play videos are the practice whereby a videogame player records their experience to share with a future audience. They are an emergent form of cultural activity that has been relatively overlooked within the field of game studies. This thesis seeks to ask: how can access to videogame play moments (and performativity) provide insights into the understanding the dynamics of videogame play experience? This thesis approaches Let’s Play videos as a way in which to expand our understandings of videogame research.
194p runthenight04 02-02-2023 17 3 Download
Foot rot of tomato is an important disease which causes severe loss in tomato production. The present study was carried out to evaluate five bioagents and six fungicides against Sclerotium rolfsii. Among the five antagonists tested the maximum inhibition was observed in Trichoderma virens (67%) and contrarily, no inhibition was observed in Bacillus subtilis. Six fungicides viz., carbendazim, captan, tebuconozole, copper oxychloride, hexaconozole and Tebuconazole +Trifloxytrobin at different concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 500 ppm), were tested.
8p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 20 4 Download
Morphological and cultural variability of S. rolfsii infecting tomato were studied on different solid and liquid media based on radial growth, topography, sclerotial number, diameter of sclerotia, test weight of sclerotial bodies and dry mycelial weight. Significant variability with reference to mycelial and sclerotial characters was observed on different media. This investigation revealed that the maximum mycelial growth was observed in Potato Dextrose Agar (9 cm) and more test weight (262 mg) of sclerotial bodies was recorded in Sabouraud’s dextrose agar.
8p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 10 3 Download
In this article, we present the scientific highlights of the new 10th Edition of the Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart. The main focus of this Chart is to provide structured, accurate information on the half-lives and decay modes, as well as energies of the emitted radiation for over 4000 experimentally observed ground states and isomer nuclides to an interdisciplinary audience.
11p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 7 1 Download
Many groups of proteins play important roles in the cell’s response to various stresses. The molecular chaperone GroEL of Escherichia coli represents one such highly conserved family of stress proteins. We have observed that isolated GroEL complexes from stationary cultures contain various polypeptides that can be released from the chaperonin by GroES and/or ATP, and identified two such polypeptides as the proteins GatY and UP12.
9p system191 01-06-2013 31 3 Download
An exo-1,3-b-glucanase has been isolated from cultural filtrate of Trichoderma viride AZ36. The N-terminal sequence of the purified enzyme (m ¼ 61 ^ 1 kDa) showed no significant homology to other known glucanases. The 1,3-b-glucanase displayed high activity against laminarins, curdlan, and 1,3-b-oligoglucosides, but acted slowly on 1,3-1,4-b-oligoglucosides. No significant activity was detected against high molecular mass 1,3-1,4-bglucans. The enzyme carried out hydrolysis with inversion of the anomeric configuration.
9p system191 01-06-2013 47 6 Download
Duodenase is a 29-kDa serine endopeptidase that displays selective trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like substrate specificity. This enzyme has been localized to epitheliocytes of Brunner’s glands, and as described here, to mast cells within the intestinal mucosa and lungworm-infected lung, implying an important additional role in inflammation and tissue remodelling. In primary cultures of pulmonary artery fibroblasts, duodenase induced a concentration-dependent increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation with a maximal effect observed at 30 nM.
10p research12 01-06-2013 56 3 Download
Root cultures ofSwertia chirata(Gentianaceae) were grown with supplements of [1-13 C]glucose, [U-13 C6]glucose or [carboxy-13 C]shikimic acid. 1,3,5,8-Tetrahydroxyxanthone was isolated and analysed by quantitative NMR analysis. The observed isotopomer distribution shows that 1,3,5,8-tetrahydroxyxanthone is biosynthesized via a polyketide-type pathway. The starter unit, 3-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA, is obtained from an early shikimate pathway intermediate. Phenylalanine, cinnamic acid and benzoic acid were ruled out as intermediates....
9p fptmusic 16-04-2013 48 4 Download
To test the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase on the telomerase activity, we determined the telomerase activity in leukemic cells K562 treated with benzamide and 4-amino 1,8 naphthalimide (NAP), the inhibitors of PARP. We observed that both the agents inhibited telomerase activity in a dose-dependent manner. The doses of benzamide and NAP that inhibited telo-merase activity to 50% of untreated control cells were 10.7 ± 0.6 mmand 200 ± 7lm, respectively.
12p fptmusic 11-04-2013 47 2 Download
We report that autonomous oscillations, which usually happen in aerobic glucose-limited continuous cultures of yeast at low dilution rate, were also observed in trehalose discontinuous cultures ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. This unexpected oscillatory behaviour was therefore examined using fast Fourier transformation of online gas measurements. This robust mathemat-ical analysis underlined the existence of two types of oscillation.
11p awards 06-04-2013 36 2 Download
Ouabain, a sodiumpump (Na + /K + -ATPase) inhibitor, has been shown to act as a hormone and is possibly involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension. The mechanismby which ouabain may act was investigated using primary cultures of human umbilical artery endothelial cells (HUAECs), which are known to express and release the vasoconstrictive hor-mone endothelin (ET-1). Fiveminutes after application, low concentrations of ouabain induced Ca 2+ oscillations and stimulated ET-1 release from endothelial cells into the medium.
9p dell39 03-04-2013 38 4 Download
We monitored a continuous culture of the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae by membrane-inlet mass spectrometry. This technique allows very rapid simultaneous measurements (one point every 12 s) of several dissolved gases. During our experiment, the culture exhibited a multioscillatory mode in which the dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide records displayed period-icities of 13 h, 36 min and 4 min.
8p galaxyss3 21-03-2013 49 5 Download
In this research, the growth and metabolic activities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in alginate gel during alcoholic fermentation with different initial glucose concentration were studied. Starting from initial glucose concentration at 140 g/L, we observed that increasing this concentration to 220 g/L had little effect on the growth of immobilized yeast. Under the same conditions, the maximum biomass, glucose uptake rate, and final ethanol concentration obtained in the immobilized yeast cultures were always higher than those in the free yeast cultures....
7p nhatro75 22-07-2012 80 11 Download