Online Business Planning
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 16: Launching a Successful Online Business and EC Projects learning objectives: Understand the fundamental requirements for initiating an online business. Describe the process of initiating and funding a start-up e-business or large e-project. Understand the process of adding EC initiatives to an existing business. Describe the issues and methods of transforming an organization into an e-business. Describe the process of acquiring Web sites and evaluating building versus hosting options.
45p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 11 3 Download
Planning and Organizing a Database Planning for your database is the first step in organizing and implementing a database system. First define how the database will be used. This determines what type of database you need to create that will meet the needs of your business, for example, data warehousing, high online transaction processing, or general purpose. After you determine the purpose and type, you must outline the database architecture that will be used.
30p trinh02 28-01-2013 66 6 Download
When you are planning strategically with any company--online or offline--it is useful to complete an analysis that takes into account not only your own business, but your competitor's businesses and the current business environment as well. A SWOT is one such analysis.
2p giundat 21-10-2009 213 22 Download