Organizational diagnosis
This study uses mixed methods that are carried out by not only the qualitative method but also a quantitative method based on a deductive approach Newman (2000).
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 13 1 Download
This chapter concludes the literature view of organizational diagnosis, the contingency theory of organizational diagnosis, clarifies the concept of organizational development, organizational diagnosis and organizational analysis, the role of organizational diagnosis; mentions the definitions of government organizations and especially the characteristics of public sector organization and LGOs in comparison with private sector organizations; overviews the context of LGOs in HCM, Vietnam.
258p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 24 2 Download
Organizational diagnosis assessment and intervention proposes a case study regarding the diagnostic analysis in a plant department the hard rolling mill. The intervention is motivated by the modifications at the staff’s level due to an imminent restructuring process, also related to the technological refurbishment and to the creation of new branche.
6p tungkhtn 17-07-2016 76 3 Download
The methodology of organizational diagnosis is to establish the widely shared understanding of a system and, based on that understanding, to determine whether change is desirable. By stating and then maintaining that the initial work in the client system is diagnosis, consultants provide clients with bases against which they can be held accountable.
10p tungkhtn 17-07-2016 48 2 Download