Organizations in various sectors
In recent years, the fourth industrial revolution has been progressing strongly, resulting in numerous accomplishments that have profound implications for various industries and sectors of the economy, including the banking sector. In the context of the digital transformation boom, traditional banking models have undergone modifications and advancements with the aim of boosting competitiveness and efficiency, leading to the emergence of the Open banking .
3p zizaybay1101 09-05-2024 9 3 Download
There have been dramatic changes in workforce demographics over the past few decades affecting employment relation. As a result, flexible work pattern became a common initiative used by organizations globally in response to various challenges faced in demanding industries like the banking sector.
11p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 16 1 Download
This paper aims at identifying obstacles, benefits, leading practices and lessons learned in the transition/certification of the revised standard for quality management systems ISO 9001:2015 for organizations in various sectors, countries and spanning a range of sizes.
24p enzoenzo 29-01-2020 29 2 Download