Pedagogical universities
This research article explores the potential of active learning pedagogies to enhance student engagement, knowledge retention, and essential skill development in higher education. These learner-centered approaches, such as experiential, project-based, and inquiry-based learning, contrast with traditional lecture-based methods that prioritize passive information transfer.
7p vipanly 28-10-2024 2 1 Download
This paper aimed at investigating teachers’ perceptions in promoting LA in language teaching and learning in online language classes, specifically at International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. In-depth interviews were conducted for 7 teachers and the results were obtained via thematic analysis.
7p vipanly 28-10-2024 1 1 Download
Master's thesis of Education: Implementation of project based learning in a training package context
The research was conducted retrospectively from a case study of an AQF Level 6 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Training Package Program at RMIT University TAFE. An Action Research approach underpins the investigation, resulting in the profiling of teaching, learning and assessment as areas in need of further examination. These defining themes are explored in the context of the Project Based Learning model developed at RMIT, with consideration given to the potential for broader application. The discussion concludes with a theoretical review of the new understandings of pedagogy.
143p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 4 Download
This analysis also attempts to discover the effectiveness of reflective writing in an IC theoretical course at the investigated institution, thereby proposing some recommendations to the reflection pedagogy currently employed at the university.
15p meyerowitz 25-12-2021 8 0 Download
Research objectives: A theoretical and practical study of the use of elements of television in teaching the subject “Education”, which reveals the measures of teaching the subject “Education” in pedagogical universities simulated elements of television in order to increase students’ learning effectiveness, contributing to improving the quality of teacher training in a pedagogical university.
28p tunelove 10-06-2021 21 4 Download
Purpose research: Research theoretical basis and practical basis of teaching technical skills (TTS) towards developing collaborative working skills (CWS) for pedagogical students; thereby proposing measures to teach the practicetechnical towards developing CWS for pedagogical students, in order to improving the quality of teaching in colleges and universities of education with technical training in this time.
28p tunelove 10-06-2021 10 3 Download
Research objectives: Use the blended learning model in teaching to improve teaching efficiency and improve the online self-study capacity of human and animal physiology for biology pedagogy students.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 22 4 Download
Research purposes: On the basis of theoretical research and the current state of integrated teaching capacity and the development of integrated teaching capacity for undergraduate students of primary education, the dissertation proposes measures to develop integrated teaching capacity for undergraduate students of primary education through pedagogical professional training in order to improve the quality of training of primary education students in universities and meet the requirements of reforming primary education
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 27 4 Download
Study objectives: Study and propose the measures to develop the competence in teaching the experimental for pedagogical chemistry student to increasing the teaching competence and increasing the quality of training chemistry teachers of universities.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 42 5 Download
Research aim: On the basis of clarifying the theoretical issues related to the development of critical thinking capacity and the current situation of developing this ability for students of pedagogical universities in Vietnam today, my thesis proposes a number of basic solutions to develop critical thinking capacity for pedagogical students
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 14 4 Download
The targets: Suggest the processes and measures to develop ETC in training Geography student teachers; contribute to innovating teaching methods and improve the training quality at CTU in particular and pedagogical university in general.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 17 4 Download
Research aim: Proposing measures to educate independent learning competency for pedagogical students through academic advising activities at colleges and universities training according to academic credit system.
24p extraenglish 26-05-2021 15 2 Download
Purpose of the study: On the basis of theoretical and practical research on Independent learning competency and Independent learning competency development, then propose measures to develop Independent learning competency for students of universities of education according to active teaching approach.
24p extraenglish 26-05-2021 13 2 Download
Aims of the study: On the basis of clarifying the concept of guided self-study, teaching in the direction of helping school students with guided self-study, indicate neccessary skills as well as opportunities and ways to train university students with necessary skills so that after graduation they can teach math in the direction of helping school students self-study with guidance, contributing to training innovation at the University of Education.
28p extraenglish 26-05-2021 33 3 Download
Aims of the research: On the basis of theoretical and practical research, solutions to develop faculty leaders of pedagogical universities or faculties according to competence-based approach are proposed to improve the quality of teacher training meeting the demand for educational innovation.
24p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 32 2 Download
Research purposes: Based on theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes solutions to manage AoAP activities of students at PU by CA to improve the efficiency of assessment, contribute to improving the quality of PU in the context of radical innovation, comprehensive renovation of Education and Training.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 34 4 Download
Research objectives: Applying theoretical views to develop competence, meaning and value of ICT application in Education and Training to propose solutions to develop Math teaching competence for Math pedagogical students with the support of ICT.
37p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 17 3 Download
This article is intended to justify the possibility for promoting interactions in exercise lessons of Mathematics Education by using tests, and to clarify manners for doing it. The procedures of using tests in exercise lessons were mentioned and illustrated by specific examples. A pedagogical experiment was also conducted and its results were clearly analyzed.
11p tamynhan5 10-12-2020 22 1 Download
The article analyzes the causes of inadequacies in terms of: recruitment, facilities, training programs, pedagogical skills training, examination and evaluation of student learning outcomes and performance of fine arts lecturers.
11p tamynhan9 02-12-2020 8 1 Download
The paper presents the results of the survey on pedagogical qualities and competencies of students course 2016-2020 (final-year-students) of the Faculty of Physical Education, Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) on the following aspects: The qualities of the future teachers such as love for the job, living honestly, frankly, with a will to develop in their careers; the pedagogical skills of future teachers such as the ability to understand students' psychology, application of the program to the teaching process, the usage of appropriate teaching methods and techniques; and the abi...
7p koxih_kothogmih5 04-09-2020 35 2 Download