Pervious concrete
Virtual Pervious Concrete: Microstructure, Percolation, and Permeability presents various virtual pervious concrete microstructural percolation characteristics and computed transport properties to those of real world pervious concretes. Of the various virtual pervious concretes explored in th is study, one based on a correlation filter three dimensional reconstruction algorithm clearly provides a void structure closest to that achieved in real pervious concrete.
5p pjflexri 10-03-2015 39 6 Download
Concrete help you knows pervious concrete pavement is a unique and effective means to address important environmental issues and support green, sustainable growth. By capturing stormwater and allowing it to seep into the ground, porous concrete is instrumental in recharging groundwater, reducing stormwater runoff, and meeting U.S.
1p pjflexri 10-03-2015 58 3 Download
Academic Article: Hot Weather Comparative Heat Balances in Pervious Concrete and Impervious Concrete Pavement Systems focuses on a site in Iowa where both a pervious concrete and a traditional concrete paving system have been installed and where temperatures were recorded within the systems for extended time periods. The analyses cover days with negligible antecedent precipitation and high air temperatures, which are extreme conditions for UHI impact.
7p pjflexri 10-03-2015 54 3 Download