Phosphoglycerate mutase
- Polysaccharides are macromolecules, polymers with a few hundred to a few thousand monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkages. - Some polysaccharides serve as storage material, hydrolyzed as needed to provide sugar for cells. - Other polysaccharides serve as building material for structures that protect the cell or the whole organism. - The architecture and function of a polysaccharide are determined by its sugar monomers and by the positions of its glycosidic linkages.
118p zingzing09 21-10-2012 54 8 Download
The synthesis of ATP in the human parasiteEntamoeba histolyticais car-ried out solely by the glycolytic pathway. Little kinetic and structural infor-mation is available for most of the pathway enzymes.
17p awards 06-04-2013 34 3 Download
Phosphoglyceratemutase (PGAM) activity inpromastigotes of theprotozoanparasiteLeishmaniamexicanais foundonly in the cytosol. It corresponds to a cofactor-independent PGAM as it is not stimulated by 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate and is susceptible to EDTA and resistant to vanadate. We have cloned and sequenced the gene and developed a convenient bacterial expression system and a high-yield purification protocol. Kinetic properties of the bacterially produced protein have been determined (3-phosphoglycer-ate:Km¼0.27 ± 0.02 mM, kcat ¼434 ± 54 s )1 ; 2-phos-phoglycerate:Km¼0.11 ± 0.
13p dell39 03-04-2013 44 4 Download