Photoshop skills
Adobe Photoshop is a very powerful and versatile image editing/graphics creation application that is the industry standard in its category. Though Photoshop’s interface is intuitive enough for an absolute beginner to learn basic image editing tasks such as cropping and resizing, to be able to fully master and utilize all of its tools takes a considerable amount of time. If you’re interested in honing your Photoshop skills to create spectacular compositions, this is for you.
19p bongbong_hong 11-12-2012 64 9 Download
Flash CS4 Professional in 24 Hours- P17: The creation of this book could not have happened without the skill and patience of many, many people at Sams Publishing. Most of all, I want to thank Mark Taber for offering me this opportunity and Philip Kerman for writing such a great book. I also greatly appreciate the efforts of Songlin Qiu for keeping me on track and organized, not an easy task.
17p camry246 17-09-2010 102 16 Download
Để ký tên hay đặt logo lên ảnh nhằm bảo vệ bản quyền hay tạo phong cách, ngoài kỹ thuật sử dụng chữ ký màu nước (watermark), bạn có thể tạo một bút lông (brush) chữ ký hay logo sử dụng rất tiện lợi. xin giới thiệu cách tạo bút lông như vậy. 1. Mở ảnh hoặc tạo chữ ký hay logo Mở ảnh đã có sẵn hoặc tạo ảnh mới (Hình 1). Lưu ý: Nên sử dụng ảnh có kích thước lớn (khoảng 1500 pix / chiều) để bút tạo ra sẽ rõ nét). ...
6p fortuner 30-07-2010 337 60 Download
JPEG2000 – This version of the JPEG format supports 16 Bits/Channel and alpha channels and produces less image artifacts than the standard JPEG compression but uses a more complex list of saving options than the standard JPEG format. Photoshop CS3 supports the file format but it is not available as part of the ‘Save for Web’ options.
10p vongsuiphat 05-01-2010 101 20 Download