Potential application in Vietnam
By reviewing worldwide literature, this paper aimed to systematically collate available information about the species Cunninghamia lanceolata. Based on the findings of the review, including the species’ floral characteristics; updated distribution; historical knowledge and heritage; growth and factors influencing its forests; soil nutrition and microbes; carbon storage; wood; and chemicals and essential oils, we have identified issues for consideration regarding the use of this species for big timber production in Vietnam.
11p chauchaungayxua12 09-07-2021 9 1 Download
The research was expected to have the following potential outcomes. First, prior the positive change in EFL teaching with a better positionality of intercultural education, an investigation into teachers’ perceptions and practices would provide educational managers with evaluative feedback on the existing status of intercultural integration. Second, it might raise awareness of participating teachers and students on the role of culture in EFL education.
229p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 35 5 Download
Biofertilisers are defined in this application as microbial inoculants, isolated from soil or the rhizosphere of plants, assisting the mobilisation of soil nutrients such as N and P and others in the plant rhizosphere and thus promoting the growth rate and yield of plants. Successful biofertilisers can contribute to increases in food production in a highly sustainable manner, with economic and environmental advantages.
12p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 62 4 Download
The objectives of the CARD project entitled “Development and Selection of Commercial and High Quality Cultivars of Root and Tuber Crops for Processing Purpose in the Northern and Central Vietnam” between FCRI and Sydney University are to 1) Select a certain number of sweet potato cultivars from those designated by FCRI as potentially suitable for cultivating in locations in northern and central Vietnam and conduct field trials in selected locations to evaluate these cultivars according to yield and dry matter content for value-adding purposes; 2) Develop and evaluate processing methods for ...
9p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 75 7 Download