Processing a batch sql statement
Oracle Built−in Packages- P1: Ah, for the good old days of Version 1.0 of PL /SQL! Life was so simple then. No stored procedures or functions and certainly no packages. You had your set of built−in functions, like SUBSTR and TO_DATE. You had the IF statement and various kinds of loops. With these tools at hand, you built your batch−processing scripts for execution in SQL*Plus, and you coded your triggers in SQL*Forms 3.0, and you went home at night content with a good day's work done.
5p xmen135 03-12-2010 73 5 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 2.4 Processing a Batch SQL Statement Problem You have a batch SQL query that returns multiple result sets and you need to work with the result sets in ADO.NET. Solution Use the NextResult( )
5p luvpro 04-08-2010 90 5 Download