Promoting plant growth
The thesis investigates the growth promoting effects of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) in chickpea and wheat. Three main topics covered are: 1) Isolating local Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria; 2) Screening and characterization of isolates; 3) Assessment and identification of the selected strains.
107p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 4 Download
We reported earlier that ectopic expression of CAP2, a single AP2 domain containing transcription activator from chickpea (Cicer arietinum)in tobacco improves growth and development, and tolerance to dehydration and salt stress, of the transgenic plants.
11p vinaphone15 25-02-2013 36 2 Download
Biofertilisers are defined in this application as microbial inoculants, isolated from soil or the rhizosphere of plants, assisting the mobilisation of soil nutrients such as N and P and others in the plant rhizosphere and thus promoting the growth rate and yield of plants. Successful biofertilisers can contribute to increases in food production in a highly sustainable manner, with economic and environmental advantages.
12p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 60 4 Download
Introduction - Regulatory Aspects All pesticides sold or distributed in the United States (US) must be registered with the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) for the intended uses and must have safety data to show that they can be used without posing unreasonable risks to humans and the environment. Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) is classified as an organophosphate pesticide.
10p genius111 26-04-2011 110 14 Download